hellowworld(1) :MiniGUIMain中有什么奥秘

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/* ** $Id: helloworld.c,v 1.38 2007-10-25 07:56:45 weiym Exp $**** Listing 2.1**** helloworld.c: Sample program for MiniGUI Programming Guide**The first MiniGUI application.**** Copyright (C) 2004 ~ 2007 Feynman Software.**** License: GPL*/#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <minigui/common.h>#include <minigui/minigui.h>#include <minigui/gdi.h>#include <minigui/window.h>static char welcome_text [512];static char msg_text [256];static RECT welcome_rc = {10, 100, 600, 400};static RECT msg_rc = {10, 100, 600, 400};static const char* syskey = "";static int last_key = -1;static int last_key_count = 0;static void make_welcome_text (void){const char* sys_charset = GetSysCharset (TRUE);const char* format;if (sys_charset == NULL)sys_charset = GetSysCharset (FALSE);SetRect (&welcome_rc, 10, 10, g_rcScr.right – 10, g_rcScr.bottom / 2 – 10);SetRect (&msg_rc, 10, welcome_rc.bottom + 10, g_rcScr.right – 10, g_rcScr.bottom – 20);if (strcmp (sys_charset, FONT_CHARSET_GB2312_0) == 0|| strcmp (sys_charset, FONT_CHARSET_GBK) == 0) {format = "欢迎来到 MiniGUI 的世界! 如果您能看到该文本, 则说明 MiniGUI Version %d.%d.%d 可在该硬件上运行!";}else if (strcmp (sys_charset, FONT_CHARSET_BIG5) == 0) {format = "欢迎来到 MiniGUI 的世界! 如果您能看到该文本, 则说明 MiniGUI Version %d.%d.%d 可在该硬件上运行!";}else {format = "Welcome to the world of MiniGUI. \nIf you can see this text, MiniGUI Version %d.%d.%d can run on this hardware board.";}sprintf (welcome_text, format, MINIGUI_MAJOR_VERSION, MINIGUI_MINOR_VERSION, MINIGUI_MICRO_VERSION);strcpy (msg_text, "No message so far.");}static int HelloWinProc(HWND hWnd, int message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){HDC hdc;syskey = "";switch (message) {case MSG_CREATE:make_welcome_text ();SetTimer (hWnd, 100, 200);break;case MSG_TIMER:sprintf (msg_text, "Timer expired, current tick count: %ul.",GetTickCount ());InvalidateRect (hWnd, &msg_rc, TRUE);break;case MSG_LBUTTONDOWN:strcpy (msg_text, "The left button pressed.");InvalidateRect (hWnd, &msg_rc, TRUE);break;case MSG_LBUTTONUP:strcpy (msg_text, "The left button released.");InvalidateRect (hWnd, &msg_rc, TRUE);break;case MSG_RBUTTONDOWN:strcpy (msg_text, "The right button pressed.");InvalidateRect (hWnd, &msg_rc, TRUE);break;case MSG_RBUTTONUP:strcpy (msg_text, "The right button released.");InvalidateRect (hWnd, &msg_rc, TRUE);break;case MSG_PAINT:hdc = BeginPaint (hWnd);DrawText (hdc, welcome_text, -1, &welcome_rc, DT_LEFT | DT_WORDBREAK);DrawText (hdc, msg_text, -1, &msg_rc, DT_LEFT | DT_WORDBREAK);EndPaint (hWnd, hdc);return 0;case MSG_SYSKEYDOWN:syskey = "sys";case MSG_KEYDOWN:if(last_key == wParam)last_key_count++;else{last_key = wParam;last_key_count = 1;}sprintf (msg_text, "The %d %skey pressed %d times",wParam, syskey, last_key_count);InvalidateRect (hWnd, &msg_rc, TRUE);return 0;case MSG_KEYLONGPRESS:sprintf (msg_text, "=======The %d key pressed over a long term", wParam);InvalidateRect (hWnd, &msg_rc, TRUE);break;case MSG_KEYALWAYSPRESS:sprintf (msg_text, "=======The %d key pressed always", wParam);InvalidateRect (hWnd, &msg_rc, TRUE);break;case MSG_KEYUP:sprintf (msg_text, "The %d key released", wParam);InvalidateRect (hWnd, &msg_rc, TRUE);return 0;case MSG_CLOSE:KillTimer (hWnd, 100);DestroyMainWindow (hWnd);PostQuitMessage (hWnd);return 0;}return DefaultMainWinProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);}int MiniGUIMain (int argc, const char* argv[]){MSG Msg;HWND hMainWnd;MAINWINCREATE CreateInfo;#ifdef _MGRM_PROCESSESJoinLayer(NAME_DEF_LAYER , "helloworld" , 0 , 0);#endifCreateInfo.dwStyle = WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_CAPTION;CreateInfo.dwExStyle = WS_EX_NONE;CreateInfo.spCaption = "Hello, world!";CreateInfo.hMenu = 0;CreateInfo.hCursor = GetSystemCursor(0);CreateInfo.hIcon = 0;CreateInfo.MainWindowProc = HelloWinProc;CreateInfo.lx = 0;CreateInfo.ty = 0;CreateInfo.rx = g_rcScr.right;CreateInfo.by = g_rcScr.bottom;CreateInfo.iBkColor = COLOR_lightwhite;CreateInfo.dwAddData = 0;CreateInfo.hHosting = HWND_DESKTOP;hMainWnd = CreateMainWindow (&CreateInfo);if (hMainWnd == HWND_INVALID)return -1;ShowWindow(hMainWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);while (GetMessage(&Msg, hMainWnd)) {TranslateMessage(&Msg);DispatchMessage(&Msg);}MainWindowThreadCleanup (hMainWnd);return 0;}简要说明下:程序从MiniGUIMain 函数开始执行,首先调用CreateMainWindow创建一个新的窗口,然后通过GetMessage, TranslateMessage和 DispatchMessage三个函数来获取、分发消息;最后通过MainWindowThreadCleanup 函数来删除主窗口。



gcc -o helloworld helloworld.c -lmiigui_ths -lpthread



hellowworld(1) :MiniGUIMain中有什么奥秘


