
using UnityEngine;public class SpecialAttackParticlesSmb : StateMachineBehaviour{public GameObject particles;// Prefab of the particle system to play in the state.public AvatarIKGoal attackLimb;// The limb that the particles should follow.private Transform particlesTransform;// Reference to the instantiated prefab’s transform.private ParticleSystem particleSystem;// Reference to the instantiated prefab’s particle system.// This will be called when the animator first transitions to this state.override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex){// If the particle system already exists then exit the function.if(particlesTransform != null)return;// Otherwise instantiate the particles and set up references to their components.GameObject particlesInstance = Instantiate(particles);particlesTransform = particlesInstance.transform;particleSystem = particlesInstance.GetComponent <ParticleSystem> ();}// This will be called once the animator has transitioned out of the state.override public void OnStateExit (Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex){// When leaving the special move state, stop the particles.particleSystem.Stop();}// This will be called every frame whilst in the state.override public void OnStateIK (Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex){// OnStateExit may be called before the last OnStateIK so we need to check the particles haven’t been destroyed.if (particleSystem == null || particlesTransform == null)return;// Find the position and rotation of the limb the particles should follow.Vector3 limbPosition = animator.GetIKPosition(attackLimb);Quaternion limbRotation = animator.GetIKRotation (attackLimb);// Set the particle’s position and rotation based on that limb.particlesTransform.position = limbPosition;particlesTransform.rotation = limbRotation;// If the particle system isn’t playing, play it.if(!particleSystem.isPlaying)particleSystem.Play();}}MonoBehaviours 和 StateMachineBehaviours 之间的通信

要正确理解 MonoBehaviours 和 StateMachineBehaviours 之间的区别是有必要了解一下,,assets 资产和scene objects场景对象之间的区别。




