



//// Linked_map.h// ——————–// Map 容器和链表的结合,具有可预知的迭代顺序//// @author:zxinxiang// @time: 2015.04.28//#ifndef __LINKED_MAP_H__#define __LINKED_MAP_H__#if _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma once#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000#pragma warning(disable: 4786)#pragma warning(disable: 4503)#include <map>#include <list>#include <assert.h>class noncopyable{protected:noncopyable() {}~noncopyable() {}private:noncopyable(const noncopyable&);const noncopyable& operator=(const noncopyable&);};// Note: assumes K and V are POD types.template <typename K, typename V>class Linked_map : private noncopyable{public:// The type of a value in the map.typedef std::pair<K, V> value_type;// The type of a non-const iterator over the map.typedef typename std::list<value_type>::iterator iterator;// The type of a const iterator over the map.typedef typename std::list<value_type>::const_iterator const_iterator;typedef std::map<K, iterator>::iterator pIterator;// Constructor.Linked_map(): sizes_(0){}// Destructor.~Linked_map(){}// Get an iterator for the beginning of the map.iterator begin(){return values_.begin();}// Get an iterator for the beginning of the map.const_iterator begin() const{return values_.begin();}// Get an iterator for the end of the map.iterator end(){return values_.end();}// Get an iterator for the end of the map.const_iterator end() const{return values_.end();}// Check whether the map is empty.bool empty() const{return values_.empty();}// Find an entry in the map.iterator find(const K& k){if (sizes_ > 0){pIterator it = mappeds_.find(k);if (it == mappeds_.end())return values_.end();iterator find_it = it->second;return find_it;}return values_.end();}// Find an entry in the map.const_iterator find(const K& k) const{if (sizes_ > 0){pIterator it = mappeds_.find(k);if (it == mappeds_.end())return values_.end();const_iterator find_it = it->second;return find_it;}return values_.end();}// Insert a new entry into the map.std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& v){pIterator pIt = mappeds_.find(v.first);if (pIt == mappeds_.end()){values_.push_back(v);mappeds_.insert(pair<K, iterator>(v.first, –values_.end()));++sizes_;}else{values_.erase(pIt->second);values_.push_back(v);pIt->second = –values_.end();}return std::pair<iterator, bool>(–values_.end(), true);}// Insert an element value to the list of the specified location.iterator insert(iterator it, const value_type& v){pIterator pIt = mappeds_.find(v.first);if(pIt != mappeds_.end()){values_.erase(pIt->second);–sizes_;}iterator _it = values_.insert(it, v);mappeds_.insert(pair<K, iterator>(v.first, _it));++sizes_;return _it;}// Erase an entry from the map.void erase(iterator it){assert(it != values_.end());assert(sizes_ != 0);value_type v = *it;values_.erase(it);mappeds_.erase(v.first);–sizes_;}// Erase a key from the map.void erase(const K& k){iterator it = find(k);if (it != values_.end())erase(it);}// Remove all entries from the map.void clear(){// Clear the values.values_.clear();mappeds_.clear();sizes_ = 0;}// Calculate the number of elements.size_t size(){return sizes_;}private:// The number of elements in the map.size_t sizes_;// The list of all values in the map.std::list<value_type> values_;// The map of list nodes.std::map<K, iterator> mappeds_;};#endif // __LINKED_MAP_H__


#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <ctime>using namespace std;int main(int argc, char** argv){//测试效率clock_t start = clock();Linked_map<int,string> myMap;for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++){//插入节点myMap.insert(pair<int,string>(i, "hello linked map!"));}clock_t end = clock();cout << "Test my LinkedMap: \n";//调用了time.h文件的CLOCKS_PER_SEC,表示每过千分之一秒,clock()函数返回值加1cout << "插入1百万 条数据耗时: " << double(end – start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " 秒" << endl;//测试map效率start = clock();map<int,string> stlmap;for(int j = 0; j < 1000000; j++){//插入节点stlmap.insert(pair<int,string>(j,"hello map!"));}end = clock();cout << "Test STL Map: \n";//调用了time.h文件的CLOCKS_PER_SEC,表示每过千分之一秒,clock()函数返回值加1cout << "插入1百万 条数据耗时: "<< double(end – start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " 秒" << endl;return 0;}总有看腻的时候,不论何等荣华的身份,



