Python apple PUSH APNSWrapper支持字典以及群发

APNSWrapper是苹果推送通知服务的Python包装。使用起来也不错。不过发现使用property的时候不支持字典,查阅代码 APNSProperty类中处理property数据,

        if not isinstance(data, (int, str, list, tuple, float)):            raise APNSValueError, "Data argument should be string, number, list of tuple"


        if not isinstance(data, (int, str, list, dict, tuple, float)):            raise APNSValueError, "Data argument should be string, number, list of tuple"

以支持字典。随后在def _build(self)方法中增加代码,需json支持:

        if isinstance(, dict):            return "%s%s" % (name, json.write(



class APNSNotificationWrapper(object):    """    This object wrap a list of APNS tuples. You should use    .append method to add notifications to the list. By usint    method .notify() all notification will send to the APNS server.    """    sandbox = True    apnsHost = ''    apnsSandboxHost = ''    apnsPort = 2195    payloads = None    connection = None    debug_ssl = False    kapnsconnection = None  #新建连接对象    def __init__(self, certificate = None, sandbox = True, debug_ssl = False, \                    force_ssl_command = False):        self.debug_ssl = debug_ssl        self.force_ssl_command = False        self.connection = APNSConnection(certificate = certificate, \                            force_ssl_command = self.force_ssl_command, debug = self.debug_ssl)        self.sandbox = sandbox        self.payloads = []    def append(self, payload = None):        """Append payload to wrapper"""        if not isinstance(payload, APNSNotification):            raise APNSTypeError, "Unexpected argument type. Argument should be an instance of APNSNotification object"        self.payloads.append(payload)    def count(self):        """Get count of payloads        """        return len(self.payloads)            def notifyclose(self):  #增加关闭连接        self.kapnsconnection.close()        def notify(self):  #保持连接        apnsConnection = self.connection        if self.sandbox != True:            apnsHost = self.apnsHost        else:            apnsHost = self.apnsSandboxHost        if not self.kapnsconnection:            self.kapnsconnection = apnsConnection.connect(apnsHost, self.apnsPort)                return True    def send(self):  #发送        """        Send nofification to APNS:            1) prepare all internal variables to APNS Payout JSON            2) make connection to APNS server and send notification        """        payloads = [o.payload() for o in self.payloads]        payloadsLen = sum([len(p) for p in payloads])        messages = []        offset = 0        if len(payloads) == 0:            return False        for p in payloads:            plen = len(p)            messages.append(struct.pack('%ds' % plen, p))            offset += plen                message = "".join(messages)        self.kapnsconnection.write(message)


import sys,os,binasciiimport jsonimport APNSWrapperdt = 'b9d98721 b5586b61 a00fbfa0 d61a0339 54e1bfb8 faaae3df c5a1382a 96e1a95a'deviceToken = binascii.unhexlify(dt.replace(' ',''))wrapper = APNSWrapper.APNSNotificationWrapper("/data0/pushservice/apns/certificates/wanjibaodiangaoshoupian_1122_production_push_certificates.pem", False)wrapper.notify()  #建立连接while True:    message = APNSWrapper.APNSNotification()    message.token(deviceToken)    message.alert("抽烟去" + str(i))    print("抽烟去" + str(i))    message.sound()    message.badge(1)    cc = {'type':'1','url':''}    property = APNSWrapper.APNSProperty("fljt",cc)    message.appendProperty(property)    wrapper.append(message)    wrapper.send() #发送    i = i + 1    if i == 10:        breakwrapper.notifyclose() #关闭连接




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Python apple PUSH APNSWrapper支持字典以及群发


