
RGB颜色空间中的统计肤色模型1. 统计肤色模型简介



Jone MJ等人提出统计肤色模型,参数计算步骤如下:

(1)使用图片训练集建立肤色类和非肤色类的颜色直方图;(2)计算先验概率:属于肤色类的概率P(Cs)和属于非肤色类的概率P(Cns);(3)计算条件概率:在肤色类中属于该颜色值的概率P(v|Cs)和在非肤色类中属于该颜色值的概率P(v|Cns);2. 统计肤色模型实现问题




3. 代码实现(1)训练代码


import cv2import numpy as npimport osimport csv################################################################################print 'Set Image Directory'imgFile = 'images/skin_color_database/skin_color_database_1/'################################################################################# define variables for histogramcolorRange = 64# skin color countscountSkin = np.zeros(colorRange ** 3, np.double)# non-skin color countscountNonSkin = np.zeros(colorRange ** 3, np.double)# label sets true if it's a label image, otherwise sets false if it's an original imagelabel = True################################################################################print 'Skin Color Histogram'for fileName in os.listdir(imgFile):if label == True:# load a label imageprint 'Label File Name:',fileNameimgLabel = cv2.imread(imgFile + fileName)# convert color space from bgr to grayimgLabel = cv2.cvtColor(imgLabel, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)else:# load an original imageprint 'Original File Name:',fileNameimg = cv2.imread(imgFile + fileName)############################################################################# count pixel color valuesif label == False:# get image shaperows,cols,channels = img.shapefor r in range(rows):for c in range(cols):# get values from rgb color spaceB = img.item(r,c,0) / 4G = img.item(r,c,1) / 4R = img.item(r,c,2) / 4color = B * 64 * 64 + G * 64 + Rif imgLabel.item(r,c) == 255:countSkin[color] += 1else:countNonSkin[color] += 1label = not label################################################################################# data combination# ———countSkin————# ———countNonSkin———data = [countSkin, countNonSkin]################################################################################# write csv filecsvFile = open('skin_nonskin.csv','wb')writer = csv.writer(csvFile)for row in data:writer.writerow([row[col] for col in range(colorRange ** 3)])################################################################################print 'Goodbye!'(2)测试代码

import osimport cv2import csvimport numpy as npfrom matplotlib import pyplot as pltfrom mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D################################################################################print 'read csv file'VRange = 64 * 64 * 64print VRangecountSkin = np.zeros(VRange, np.double)countNonSkin = np.zeros(VRange, np.double)csvFile = open('skin_nonskin.csv', "rb")reader = csv.reader(csvFile)rowNum = 0for row in reader:colNum = 0for col in row:# restore countSkin and countNonSkinmodNum = rowNum – rowNum / 2 * 2if modNum == 1:countNonSkin[((rowNum – 1) * VRange + colNum)] = float(col)if modNum == 0:countSkin[((rowNum – 1) * VRange + colNum)] = float(col)colNum += 1rowNum += 1################################################################################print 'Skin Color Database Result'# countprint 'count of skin pixels:',countSkinprint 'count of non-skin pixels:',countNonSkin################################################################################print 'prior probability'skinPix = sum(countSkin)nskinPix = sum(countNonSkin)PCs = skinPix / (skinPix + nskinPix) # P(Cs)PCns = 1 – PCs # P(Cns)print 'probability of skin class:',PCsprint 'probability of non-skin class',PCns################################################################################print 'conditional probability variables'PVCs = np.zeros(VRange, np.double) # P(V|Cs)PVCns = np.zeros(VRange, np.double) # P(V|Cns)for i in range(VRange):# pixel color probability given skin colorPVCs[i] = countSkin[i] / skinPix# pixel color probability given non-skin colorPVCns[i] = countNonSkin[i] / nskinPix################################################################################print 'posterior probability'PCsV = np.zeros(VRange, np.double) # P(Cs|V)for i in range(VRange):# skin probability given pixel colorPCsV[i] = (PVCs[i] * PCs) / (PVCs[i] * PCs + PVCns[i] * PCns + 0.00000001)################################################################################print 'determine skin distribution'# pixel color rangev = range(VRange)# skin class thresholdtheta = [0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9]# color of a single classrgbColor = np.zeros(3, np.uint8)# rgb color valueskinPix = np.zeros(VRange, np.uint8)# prepare for 3d plotfig = plt.figure()ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection = '3d')for i in v:# split 3 channels(64b * 64b * 64b)B = i / (64 * 64)G = (i – B * 64 * 64) / 64R = i – B * 64 * 64 – G * 64# given probability as thresholdif PCsV[i] > theta[3]:skinPix[i] = 4ax.scatter(R, G, B, c='r', marker='o')else:skinPix[i] = 0################################################################################print 'display distribution of skin color'ax.set_xlabel('Red')ax.set_ylabel('Green')ax.set_zlabel('Blue')plt.show()################################################################################print 'Goodbye!'<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">  </span>




