spring 源码解读与设计详解:2 BeanFactory









* The root interface for accessing a Springbean container.

* This is the basic client view of a beancontainer;

* further interfaces such as {@linkListableBeanFactory} and

* {@linkorg.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableBeanFactory}

* are available for specific purposes.


* 译:访问spring bean 容器的基础(根)接口

* 这是查看bean容器的基础客户端



* <p>This interface is implemented byobjects that hold a number of bean definitions,

* each uniquely identified by a String name.Depending on the bean definition,

* the factory will return either anindependent instance of a contained object

* (the Prototype design pattern), or a singleshared instance (a superior

* alternative to the Singleton design pattern,in which the instance is a

* singleton in the scope of the factory).Which type of instance will be returned

* depends on the bean factory configuration:the API is the same. Since Spring

* 2.0, further scopes are available dependingon the concrete application

* context (e.g. "request" and"session" scopes in a web environment).




* 返回那种类型的对象的实例取决于bean工厂的配置:API是一样的。


* 比如在web环境中可以用request、session等


* <p>The point of this approach is thatthe BeanFactory is a central registry

* of application components, and centralizesconfiguration of application

* components (no more do individual objectsneed to read properties files,

* for example). See chapters 4 and 11 of"Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and

* Development" for a discussion of thebenefits of this approach.



* 对于这种方式的好处的讨论,

* 可以参考"Expert One-on-One J2EE Design andDevelopment"这本书的第4章和11章,


* <p>Note that it is generally better torely on Dependency Injection

* ("push" configuration) toconfigure application objects through setters

* or constructors, rather than use any form of"pull" configuration like a

* BeanFactory lookup. Spring’s DependencyInjection functionality is

* implemented using this BeanFactory interfaceand its subinterfaces.



* 而不是拉 pull的方式,比如BeanFactory的查找。

* spring的依赖注入功能是通过BeanFactory接口和它的子接口的实现类实现的。


* <p>Normally a BeanFactory will loadbean definitions stored in a configuration

* source (such as an XML document), and usethe {@code org.springframework.beans}

* package to configure the beans. However, animplementation could simply return

* Java objects it creates as necessarydirectly in Java code. There are no

* constraints on how the definitions could bestored: LDAP, RDBMS, XML,

* properties file, etc. Implementations areencouraged to support references

* amongst beans (Dependency Injection).


* 译:通常BeanFactory加载存储在配置源(例如一个xml文档)中的bean定义,

* 并且使用org.springframework.beans这个包去配置这些beans。

* 然而,一个实现可以简单的返回Java对象,,它创建必要的java代码。

*对于bean定义如何存储没有限制:例如,Ldap、rdbms、xml、properties files。

* 实现方式鼓励使用bean的引用(依赖注入)


* <p>In contrast to the methods in{@link ListableBeanFactory}, all of the

* operations in this interface will also checkparent factories if this is a

* {@link HierarchicalBeanFactory}. If a beanis not found in this factory instance,

* the immediate parent factory will be asked.Beans in this factory instance

* are supposed to override beans of the samename in any parent factory.



* 接口中的所有操作会检查福工厂。

* 如果一个bean在当前的工厂实例中没有被找到,那么会立即访问它的父工厂。

* 在该工厂实例中的所有bean会重写它任何一个父工厂中相同名字的bean



* <p>Bean factory implementations shouldsupport the standard bean lifecycle interfaces

* as far as possible. The full set ofinitialization methods and their standard order is:<br>

* 1. BeanNameAware’s {@codesetBeanName}<br>

* 2. BeanClassLoaderAware’s {@codesetBeanClassLoader}<br>

* 3. BeanFactoryAware’s {@codesetBeanFactory}<br>

* 4. ResourceLoaderAware’s {@codesetResourceLoader}

* (only applicable when running in anapplication context)<br>

* 5. ApplicationEventPublisherAware’s {@codesetApplicationEventPublisher}

* (only applicable when running in anapplication context)<br>

* 6. MessageSourceAware’s {@codesetMessageSource}

* (only applicable when running in anapplication context)<br>

* 7. ApplicationContextAware’s {@codesetApplicationContext}

* (only applicable when running in anapplication context)<br>

* 8. ServletContextAware’s {@codesetServletContext}

* (only applicable when running in a webapplication context)<br>

* 9. {@code postProcessBeforeInitialization}methods of BeanPostProcessors<br>

* 10. InitializingBean’s {@codeafterPropertiesSet}<br>

* 11. a custom init-methoddefinition<br>

* 12. {@code postProcessAfterInitialization}methods of BeanPostProcessors


* <p>On shutdown of a bean factory, thefollowing lifecycle methods apply:<br>

* 1. DisposableBean’s {@codedestroy}<br>

* 2. a custom destroy-method definition


* 译:当一个bean工厂停止时,会调用下面的生命周期相关方法:

* 1. 销毁bean的方法(destroy)

* 2. 用户自定义的destory方法


spring 源码解读与设计详解:2 BeanFactory


