NSOperations and NSOperationQueues学习笔记

一、GCD VS NSOperation and NSOperationQueue

Here’s a quick comparison of the two that will help you decide when and where to use GCD or NSOperation and NSOperationQueue:

GCD is a lightweight way to represent units of work that are going to be executed concurrently. You don’t schedule these units of work; the system takes care of scheduling for you. Adding dependency among blocks can be a headache. Canceling or suspending a block creates extra work for you as a developer! :]NSOperation and NSOperationQueue add a little extra overhead compared to GCD, but you can add dependency among various operations. You can re-use operations, cancel or suspend them. NSOperation is compatible with Key-Value Observation (KVO).二、Threads

Every application has at least one thread known as the main thread. A thread’s job is to execute a sequence of instructions. In Cocoa Touch, the main thread contains the application’s main run loop. Nearly all application code that you write gets executed on the main thread, unless you specifically create a separate thread and execute some code in the new thread. Threads have two specific characteristics:

Each thread has equal access to all of your application’s resources; this includes access to any object except local variables. Therefore, any object can potentially be modified, used, and changed by any thread.There is no way to predict how long a thread will run — or which thread will finish first!

Therefore, it is important to be aware of techniques to overcome these issues, and prevent unexpected errors! :] This is a brief list of the challenges that multi-threaded applications face — and some tips on how to deal with them effectively.

Race Condition: the fact that every thread can access the same memory may cause what is known as a race condition.

When multiple concurrent threads access shared data, the thread that gets to the memory first will change the shared data — and there’s no guarantee which thread will get there first. You might assume a variable has the value your thread last wrote to this shared memory, but another thread may have changed the shared memory in the meantime, and your variable is out of date!

If you know that this condition might exist in your code (i.e. you know that you are going to read / write data concurrently from multiple threads) you should use mutex lock. Mutex stands for “mutual exclusion”. You create a mutex lock for instance variables by wrapping it around a “@synchronized block”. This way you make sure that the code within it is accessed only by one thread at a time:

@synchronized (self) {myClass.object = value;}

“Self” in the above code is called a “semaphore”. When a thread reaches this piece of code, it checks to see if any other thread is accessing “self”. If nobody else is accessing “self”, it executes the block; otherwise execution of the thread is blocked until the mutex lock becomes available.

Atomicity: you have likely seen “nonatomic” in property declarations numerous times. When you declare a property as atomic, it is usually wrapped in a @synchronized block to make it thread safe. Of course, this approach does add some extra overhead. To give you an idea, here is a rough implementation of an atomic property:

// If you declare a property as atomic …@property (atomic, retain) NSString *myString;// … a rough implementation that the system generates automatically,// looks like this:- (NSString *)myString {@synchronized (self) {return [[myString retain] autorelease];}}

In this code, “retain” and “autorelease” calls are used as the returned value is being accessed from multiple threads, and you do not want the object to get deallocated between calls.

Therefore, you retain the value first, and then put it in an autorelease pool. You can read more in Apple’s documentation about Thread Safety. This is worth knowing, if only for the reason that most iOS programmers never bother to find this out. Protip: this makes a great job interview question! :]

Most of the UIKit properties are not thread-safe. To find out whether a class is thread-safe or not, take a look at the API documentation. If the API documentation does not say anything about thread-safety, then you should assume that the class is not thread-safe.

As a general rule, if you are executing on a secondary thread and you must do something to a UIKit object, use performSelectorOnMainThread.

Deadlock: a situation where a thread is blocked waiting for a condition that can never be met. For example, if two threads that are executing with synchronized code call each other, then each thread will be waiting for the other one to finish and open the lock. But this will never happen, and both threads will be deadlocked.

Sleepy Time: this occurs when there are too many threads executing simultaneously and the system gets bogged down. NSOperationQueue has a property that you can set to tell it how many concurrent threads you want executing at the same time.

三、NSOperation API

The NSOperation class has a fairly easy and short declaration. To create a customized operation, follow these steps:


NSOperations and NSOperationQueues学习笔记


