URAL 1725. Sold Out!(数学啊 )

Every fall, all movies are shown to a full house at one of the most popular cinema theatres in Yekaterinburg because students like to spend their time sitting in a cosy chair and watching a movie instead of attending lectures and seminars. Unfortunately, the distance between the rows of seats in the cinema hall is small, and people constantly stumble over other people’s feet as they get to their seats before the film exhibition. Entering the hall, a visitor chooses from which end of the row (left or right) he will make his way to his seat. He chooses it in such a way that the number of people over whose feet he will stumble will be minimal. If these numbers are equal for the left and right ends, the visitor chooses the end of the row which is closer to his seat.


URAL 1725. Sold Out!(数学啊 )


