URAL 2003. Simple Magic(数学啊 )

Let us remind you the basic definitions just in case you haven’t been visiting lectures on the theory of nonlinear spells. The Gandalf theorem states that any part of subspace can be represented as a vector of magic potentials that is an array ofnpositive integers. A Dumbledore determinant of this array equals the minimum number of elementary magical transformations required to turn the original array into the array where all elements are equal to one. One elementary magical transformation turns the original array of lengthkinto a new array of lengthk· (k 1) / 2. The elements of the new array are greatest common divisors of each pair of elements of the original array. For example, the elementary magical transformation of array {2, 3, 3, 6} turns it into array {gcd(2, 3), gcd(2, 3), gcd(2, 6), gcd(3, 3), gcd(3, 6), gcd(3, 6)}, that is {1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3}.


URAL 2003. Simple Magic(数学啊 )


