The Letter Carriers Rounds【模拟、STL、被坑了】


被坑的地方是 在一次输入中 你如果给同一个人多次发邮件,那么只输出一次结果,我了个擦,被坑死了。。还是英语烂,,直接跪了


#include<map>#include<vector>#include<queue>#include<stack>#include<cstdio>#include<string>#include<cstring>#include<set>#include<algorithm>#include<iostream>using namespace std;const int maxn = 11111;const int maxd = 5555;map<string,int>name;//运营商映射vector<string>ID[maxn];int cnt = 1;void GetMAT(){char str[maxd],str2[maxd];while(cin >> str){if(str[0] == '*') break;int m;cin >> str >> m;name[string(str)] = cnt;for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){cin >> str2;ID[cnt].push_back(str2);}cnt ++;}return;}bool GetAddress(char str[3][maxd]){int L,now = 1,pos = 0;cin >> str[0];if(str[0][0] == '*') return false;L = strlen(str[0]);for(int i = 0; i <= L; i ++){if(str[0][i] == '@' || str[0][i] == '\0'){str[now][pos] = '\0';now ++;pos = 0;}elsestr[now][pos++] = str[0][i];}return true;}char str2[maxd][3][maxd];char data[maxd][maxd];set<string>have_send;bool SendEmail(){have_send.clear();char str[3][maxd];int vis[maxd] = {0};if(!GetAddress(str)) return false;int ret = 0,ret2 = 0;string sender(str[1]);string matt(str[2]);while(GetAddress(str2[ret])) ret++;getchar();while(gets(data[ret2])){if(data[ret2][0] == '*') break;ret2++;}for(int i = 0; i < ret; i++){string user(str2[i][1]);string mat(str2[i][2]);int fr = name[mat];//找出运营商if(!vis[fr]){vis[fr] = 1;cout << "Connection between " << matt << " and " << mat << endl;cout << "HELO " << matt << endl;cout << "250" << endl;cout << "MAIL FROM:" << "<" << sender << "@" << matt << ">" << endl;cout << "250" << endl;int ok = 0;//发消息for(int j = i; j < ret; j++){string us(str2[j][1]);string ma(str2[j][2]);int f = name[ma];if(f == fr && !have_send.count(string(us + "@" + ma))){have_send.insert(string(us + "@" + ma));cout << "RCPT TO:<" << us << "@" << ma << ">" << endl;int have_find = 0;for(int k = 0; k < ID[f].size(); k++){if(ID[f][k] == us){ok = 1;have_find = 1;cout << "250" << endl;break;}}if(!have_find)cout << "550" << endl;}}if(ok){cout << "DATA" << endl;cout << "354" << endl;for(int z = 0;z < ret2 ; z++)cout << "" << data[z] << endl;cout << "." << endl;cout << "250" << endl;}cout << "QUIT" << endl;cout << "221" << endl;}}return true;}int main(){GetMAT();while(SendEmail());return 0;}


The Letter Carriers Rounds【模拟、STL、被坑了】


