Android Drawable Resource学习(二)、BitmapDrawable和Bitmap


Bitmap,代表一个位图图像,,Android支持三种格式的位图图像:.png (preferred),.jpg (acceptable), .gif (discouraged)。



在构建应用的时候,Bitmap文件可能会被appt工具压缩自动优化为无损图像。例如,一个真彩色PNG,不需要超过256的颜色可以被转换成一个8位PNG和调色板。这将导致一个图像质量相同,但这需要更少的内存。所以要意识到,在drawable目录中图像的二进制文件在构建程序时可以改变。如果你打算读一个图像作为字节流并将它转换成一个位图,把你的图片放在在res /raw/文件夹里,在那里他们不会被优化。

1、通过Bitmap File



res/drawable/filename.png (.png, .jpg, or .gif) 文件名即资源的ID。

编译资源数据类型: 指向BitmapDrawable类型的指针。资源引用:

In Java: R.drawable.filenameIn XML: @[package:]drawable/filename示例:有这样存储的图片 res/drawable/myimage.png,在layout xml文件中将他显示在视图上。<ImageView


Resources res=getResources();Drawable drawable = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.myimage);//实际上这是一个BitmapDrawable对象BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable=(BitmapDrawable)drawable;//可以在调用getBitmap方法,得到这个位图Bitmap bitmap=bitmapDrawable.getBitmap();参考:2D GraphicsBitmapDrawable2、通过XML Bitmap

一个XML bitmap是一个在XML文件中定义的指向一个bitmap文件的资源。其效果是作为一个原始位图文件的别名,并且可以指定一些额外的属性。

注意:你可以在<item>节点中使用<bitmap>作为它的子节点。比如,当你定义一个state list或者layer list的时候,可以包括一个android:drawable属性

Note: You can use a <bitmap> element as a child of an<item> element. Forexample, when creating astate list orlayer list,you can exclude theandroid:drawableattribute from an<item> element and nest a<bitmap> inside it that defines the drawable item.

文件位置:res/drawable/filename.xmlfilename作为资源的ID编译资源类型指向BitmapDrawable类型的指针资源引用In Java: R.drawable.filenameIn XML: @[package:]drawable/filename语法:<bitmapdrawable_resource"]]] | |]节点介绍:<bitmap>定义位图的来源和属性


xmlns:android类型:String。定义了XML的命名空间,必须是""。如果<bitmap>是根元素,那么他是必须的,如果是嵌套在<itme>里面,那么就不是必须的。android:src类型:Drawable resource。必需。 引用一个类型:Boolean。是否开启抗锯齿。android:dither类型:Boolean。如果位图与屏幕的像素配置不同时,是否允许抖动.(例如:一个位图的像素设置是 ARGB 8888,但屏幕的设置是RGB 565)android:filter类型:Boolean。是否允许对位图进行滤波。对位图进行收缩或者延展使用滤波可以获得平滑的外观效果。android:gravity类型:关键字。定义位图的重力(gravity),如果位图小于其容器,使用重力指明在何处绘制

必需是下面的属性,多个之间用 | 分隔


topPut the object at the top of its container, not changing its size.

bottomPut the object at the bottom of its container, not changing its size.

leftPut the object at the left edge of its container, not changing its size.

rightPut the object at the right edge of its container, not changing its size.

center_verticalPlace object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size.

fill_verticalGrow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container.

center_horizontalPlace object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size.

fill_horizontalGrow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container.

centerPlace the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, notchanging its size.

fillGrow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills itscontainer. This is the default.

clip_verticalAdditional option that can be set to have the top and/or bottom edges of the child clipped toits container’s bounds. The clip is based on the vertical gravity: a top gravity clips thebottom edge, a bottom gravity clips the top edge, and neither clips both edges.

clip_horizontalAdditional option that can be set to have the left and/or right edges of the child clipped toits container’s bounds. The clip is based on the horizontal gravity: a left gravity clipsthe right edge, a right gravity clips the left edge, and neither clips both edges.



disabledDo not tile the bitmap. This is the default value.

clampReplicates the edge color if the shader draws outside of its original bounds

repeatRepeats the shader’s image horizontally and vertically.


Android Drawable Resource学习(二)、BitmapDrawable和Bitmap


