Codeforces 549C. The Game Of Parity 博弈

There arencities in Westeros. Thei-th city is inhabited byaipeople. Daenerys and Stannis play the following game: in one single move, a player chooses a certain town and burns it to the ground. Thus all its residents, sadly, die. Stannis starts the game. The game ends when Westeros has exactlykcities left.

The prophecy says that if the total number of surviving residents is even, then Daenerys wins: Stannis gets beheaded, and Daenerys rises on the Iron Throne. If the total number of surviving residents is odd, Stannis wins and everything goes in the completely opposite way.

Lord Petyr Baelish wants to know which candidates to the throne he should support, and therefore he wonders, which one of them has a winning strategy. Answer to this question of Lord Baelish and maybe you will become the next Lord of Harrenholl.


Codeforces 549C. The Game Of Parity 博弈


