[LeetCode] Basic Calculator II

Basic Calculator II

Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string.

The expression string contains onlynon-negativeintegers, +, -, *, and / operators. The integer division should truncate toward zero.

You may assume that the given expression is always valid.

Some examples:


Note:Do notuse theevalbuilt-in library function.

Credits:Special thanks to@tsfor adding this problem and creating all test cases.


同Basic Calculator I一样,只需改动转化成后缀表达式的代码。

class Solution {public:int calculate(string s) {string postS = getPostString(s); //获得后缀表达式cout << postS;stack<int> nums;int len = postS.length();int num1, num2;for (int i = 0; i<len; i++){switch (postS[i]){case '+':num1 = nums.top();nums.pop();num2 = nums.top();nums.pop();num1 = num1 + num2;nums.push(num1);break;case '-':num1 = nums.top();nums.pop();num2 = nums.top();nums.pop();num1 = num2 – num1; //注意这里是num2减去num1nums.push(num1);break;case '*':num1 = nums.top();nums.pop();num2 = nums.top();nums.pop();num1 = num2 * num1;nums.push(num1);break;case '/':num1 = nums.top();nums.pop();num2 = nums.top();nums.pop();num1 = num2 / num1;nums.push(num1);break;case '#':break;default:int num = 0;while (i < len && postS[i] >= '0' && postS[i] <= '9'){num = num * 10 + (postS[i] – '0');i++;}i–;nums.push(num);break;}}return nums.top();} private:string getPostString(string s){string postS = "";stack<char> op;int len = s.length();for (int i = 0; i<len; i++){switch (s[i]){case ' ':break;case '(':op.push('(');break;case ')':while (!op.empty() && op.top() != '('){postS += op.top();op.pop();}if (!op.empty() && op.top() == '('){op.pop();}break;case '*':case '/':while (!op.empty() && op.top() != '(' && op.top() != '+' && op.top() != '-'){ //这里体现出了*, /的优先级比+, -高postS += op.top();op.pop();}op.push(s[i]);break;case '+':case '-':while (!op.empty() && op.top() != '('){postS += op.top();op.pop();}op.push(s[i]);break;default:while (i<len && s[i] >= '0'&&s[i] <= '9'){postS += s[i];i++;}postS += '#'; //分隔数字i–;break;}}while (!op.empty()){postS += op.top();op.pop();}return postS;}};


[LeetCode] Basic Calculator II


