ZOJ 3436 July Number(DFS)

题意 把一个数替换为这个数相邻数字差组成的数 知道这个数只剩一位数 若最后的一位数是7 则称原来的数为 July Number 给你一个区间 求这个区间中July Number的个数

从7开始DFS 位数多的数总能由位数小的数推出

#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int N = 1e6;int july[N], n;set<int> ans;int pw[] = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000};//剩余长度, 当前位要填的数,,通过什么数来搜索, 路径void dfs(int len, int d, int bas, int cur){if(d < 0 || d > 9) return; //要填的数不合法if(!len){july[n++] = cur * 10 + d;return;}int k = pw[len – 1];dfs(len – 1, d – bas / k, bas % k, cur * 10 + d);dfs(len – 1, d + bas / k, bas % k, cur * 10 + d);}int main(){ans.insert(7);set<int>::iterator it;for(int l = 2; l < 10; ++l){n = 0;for(it = ans.begin(); it != ans.end(); ++it)for(int i = 1; i < 10; ++i)dfs(l – 1, i, *it, 0);for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) ans.insert(july[i]);//printf("%d\n", ans.size());}int a, b = n = 0;for(it = ans.begin(); it != ans.end(); ++it)july[n++] = *it;while(~scanf("%d%d", &a, &b))printf("%d\n", upper_bound(july, july + n, b) – lower_bound(july, july + n, a));return 0;}

July NumberTime Limit:2 Seconds Memory Limit:65536 KB

The digital difference of a positive number is constituted by the difference between each two neighboring digits (with the leading zeros omitted). For example the digital difference of 1135 is 022 = 22. The repeated digital difference, or differential root, can be obtained by caculating the digital difference until a single-digit number is reached. A number whose differential root is 7 is also called July Number. Your job is to tell how many July Numbers are there lying in the given interval [a,b].


There are multiple cases. Each case contains two integersaandb. 1 ≤a≤b≤ 109.


One integerk, the number of July Numbers.

Sample Input

1 10

Sample Output


Author:HE, NingxuContest:ZOJ Monthly, November 2010



ZOJ 3436 July Number(DFS)


