


系统推荐Ubuntu 14.04 1.openjdk is needed

$ sudo apt-get update$ sudo apt

set it the default java version

$ sudo update-alternatives –config java$ sudo update-alternatives –config javac

2.required package

sudo apt-get install bison g++-multilib git gperf libxml2-utils make python-networkx zlib1g-dev:i386 zip


$ sudo apt-get install bison g++-multilib git gperf libxml2-utils make python-networkx zlib1g-dev:i386 zip[sudo] password for linc: Reading package lists… DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information… Donemake is already the newest is already the newest version.git is already the newest version.git set to manually installed.libxml2-utils is already the newest version.libxml2-utils set to manually installed.Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you haverequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstabledistribution that some required packages have not yet been createdor been moved out of Incoming.The following information may help to resolve the situation:The following packages have unmet dependencies: g++-multilib : Depends: gcc-multilib (>= going to be installedE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages


$ sudo apt-get install g++-multilib$ sudo apt-get install bison git gperf libxml2-utils make python-networkx zlib1g-dev:i386 zipgcc为必须$ sudo apt-get install gcc$ gcc -vThread model: posixgcc version ubuntu1~14.04) repo$ mkdir ~/binATH$ curl > ~/bin/repo$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

check sh1 sum:

$ sha1sum repo b8bd1804f432ecf1bab730949c82b93b0fc5fede repo

For version 1.21, the SHA-1 checksum for repo is b8bd1804f432ecf1bab730949c82b93b0fc5fede

repo init


LMY48I android-5.1.1_r9 Lollipop Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus 10$ repo init -u -b android-5.1.1_r9Your identity is: linc config-nameTesting colorized output (for ‘repo diff’, ‘repo status’): black redgreen yellow bluemagenta cyanwhite bolddimulreverse repo has been initialized in /home/linc/source-android/android-sourcerepo sync$ repo sync


Setting up ccache

Put the following in your .bashrc (or equivalent):

export USE_CCACHE=1

run the command:

prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50GBuilding the System

1.Set up environment

$ source build/


$ . build/

2.Choose a Target

$ lunch You’re building on LinuxLunch menu… pick a combo:1. aosp_arm-eng2. aosp_arm64-eng3. aosp_mips-eng4. aosp_mips64-eng5. aosp_x86-eng6. aosp_x86_64-eng7. aosp_manta-userdebug8. aosp_flo-userdebug9. aosp_deb-userdebug10. full_fugu-userdebug11. aosp_fugu-userdebug12. aosp_tilapia-userdebug13. aosp_grouper-userdebug14. aosp_mako-userdebug15. aosp_hammerhead-userdebug16. aosp_flounder-userdebug17. aosp_shamu-userdebug18. mini_emulator_x86-userdebug19. mini_emulator_arm64-userdebug20. mini_emulator_x86_64-userdebug21. mini_emulator_mips-userdebug22. m_e_arm-userdebugWhich would you like? [aosp_arm-eng]


make -j4

如果遇到等待其他任务完成的错误,是多线程冲突,就直接make好了。 4.error 1)

No private recovery resources for TARGET_DEVICE hammerheadhost C++: bcc <= frameworks/compile/libbcc/tools/bcc/Main.cppclang++: error: unable to execute command: Executable “as” doesn’t exist!clang++: error: assembler command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj32/EXECUTABLES/bcc_intermediates/Main.o] Error 1

try make clean.这是没有安装gcc的后果。

build successfully#### (05####人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末。



