
0.前言 webiopi是一个可控制树莓派GPIO的web框架,该框架面向物联网IoT开发。该项目托管于google,并可在sourceforge上下载到源代码。现在webiopi已经发展到0.7版本,webiopi支持REST Server,CoAP server,并提供python库和javascript库,毫无疑问的说webiopi是一个优秀的框架。从sourceforge上的信息来看,下载量前三位为美国,德国和英国,天朝的下载量排在了26位(2014年3月8日),所以我觉得应该写点什么普及一下webiopi,并顺便激励一下仍在玩“单片机”的中国嵌入式工程师们,往前走“一步”海阔天空也。 要熟练使用webiopi,先要对webiopi的配置有所了解,webiopi通过某一个config文件实现。

1.GPIO初始化[GPIO]# Initialize following GPIOs with given function and optional value# This is used during WebIOPi start process#21 = IN#23 = OUT 0#24 = OUT 0#25 = OUT 1


2.GPIO重置[~GPIO]# Reset following GPIOs with given function and optional value# This is used at the end of WebIOPi stop process#21 = IN#23 = IN#24 = IN#25 = OUT 0


3.载入脚本[SCRIPTS]# Load custom scripts syntax :# name = sourcefile# each sourcefile may have setup, loop and destroy functions and macros#myscript = /home/pi/webiopi/examples/scripts/macros/script.py

【作用】script.py可理解为一个主文件,主文件中包含3大块内容,setup loop和destroy。webiopi运行之后的顺序依次是:setup运行一次,webiopi运行时loop连续运行,webiopi运行结束之前destroy运行一次。script.py文件的主要功能存在于loop中,在没有网页操作时,loop中的相关操作也会运行。

4.HTTP服务# HTTP Server configurationenabled = trueport = 8000

# File containing sha256(base64(“user:password”))# Use webiopi-passwd command to generate itpasswd-file = /etc/webiopi/passwd

# Change login prompt messageprompt = “WebIOPi”

# Use doc-root to change default HTML and resource files location#doc-root = /home/pi/webiopi/examples/scripts/macros

# Use welcome-file to change the default “Welcome” file#welcome-file = index.html


5.CoAP服务# CoAP Server configurationenabled = trueport = 5683# Enable CoAP multicastmulticast = true


6.载入设备[DEVICES]# Device configuration syntax:# name = device [args…]# name : used in the URL mapping# device : device name# args : (optional) see device driver doc# If enabled, devices configured here are mapped on REST API /device/name# Devices are also accessible in custom scripts using deviceInstance(name)# See device driver doc for methods and URI scheme available

# Raspberry native UART on GPIO, uncomment to enable# Don’t forget to remove console on ttyAMA0 in /boot/cmdline.txt# And also disable getty on ttyAMA0 in /etc/inittab#serial0 = Serial device:ttyAMA0 baudrate:9600

# USB serial adapters#usb0 = Serial device:ttyUSB0 baudrate:9600#usb1 = Serial device:ttyACM0 baudrate:9600

#temp0 = TMP102#temp1 = TMP102 slave:0x49#temp2 = DS18B20#temp3 = DS18B20 slave:28-0000049bc218

#bmp = BMP085

#gpio0 = PCF8574#gpio1 = PCF8574 slave:0x21

#light0 = TSL2561T#light1 = TSL2561T slave:0b0101001

#gpio0 = MCP23017#gpio1 = MCP23017 slave:0x21#gpio2 = MCP23017 slave:0x22

#pwm0 = PCA9685#pwm1 = PCA9685 slave:0x41

#adc0 = MCP3008#adc1 = MCP3008 chip:1 vref:5#dac1 = MCP4922 chip:1


7.REST设置# By default, REST API allows to GET/POST on all GPIOs# Use gpio-export to limit GPIO available through REST API #gpio-export = 21, 23, 24, 25

# Uncomment to forbid changing GPIO values #gpio-post-value = false

# Uncomment to forbid changing GPIO functions #gpio-post-function = false

# Uncomment to disable automatic device mapping#device-mapping = false【作用】默认的情况下,通过REST API可以控制所有的GPIO端口。这些危险操作会和loop中的功能冲突,为了防止该情况可通过配置限制REST的功能,例如设置GPIO的方法和输出电平。

8.URL重路由# Custom REST API route syntax :# source = destination# source : URL to route# destination : Resulting URL# Adding routes allows to simplify access with Human comprehensive URLs




