Apt-get | DPKG | YUM 使用相关简介(英文)

在这里给大家总结下Apt-get,DPKG,,YUM 使用的相关参数。我这里没有翻译过来,因为是在英文系统状态下。各位见谅。#1,Apt-Get


– This is the standard usage for the apt-get command.

1$ apt-get -h

– Use this command to get more help.


– This will find updates for all packages from locations listed in /etc/apt/sources.list. You should always run an update before attempting an upgrade or a dist-upgrade.


– Use this to install the newest versions of all packages. Make sure you use the update command to check your sources.list for the newest versions first.


– This will upgrade your distribution to the newest version. And will also upgrade all packages in your sources.list.


– Used this with the desired packages to install them. If you install a package that has pre-requisites or related packages apt-get will grab them for you.


– This will remove packages from your system.


– This is the same as remove but with purge you can delete configuration files also.

#2, DPKG

1$ dpkg –option package

– This is the standard usage for the DKPG command.

1$ Status

– Use this to find out if a package is installed or not.

1$ dpkg -s package

– See if a package is installed, as well as other useful information.


– With this option you can find out which package a file belongs to.

1$ dpkg -S package

$ dpkg -c package.deb – This will list all files related to the package.

1$ dpkg -C

– This will search for broken packages.

1$ dpkg -L package

– You can use this to list the locations of files added by the chosen package.

1$ dpkg -l

– Get a list of installed packages and a short description.

1$ dpkg -l package

– Will list specified package with a short description.

1$ dpkg -i package.deb

– Use this to install a package or upgrade already installed packages.

1$ dpkg -r package

– This will remove an installed package.

1$ directory

– With this you can install all packages recursively from the specified directory.

1$ dpkg -P package

– You can remove an installed package but leave the configuration files with the purge option.

1$ dpkg -p package

– You can use this to get further details about a package.

1$ dpkg -h

– Get additional help with DPKG.



Apt-get | DPKG | YUM 使用相关简介(英文)


