Fedora 14 下轻松安装Broadcom无线网卡

今天给一台带有BCM4313 Wifi的本本装Fedora 14,装上后发现Wifi不能用。看来broadcom没有atheros在linux下省心呀。

上网上搜了搜,,貌似给的办法都比较繁琐,需要自己编译驱动然后自己加载。在一个E文论坛发现了这么一招:原文:That broadcom-sta-common deb package supplies the Broadcom 802.11 STA Linux driver. To use it in Fedora, you can either install it

from source or install the pre-compiled binary version available from RPM Fusion. I recommend the RPM Fusion version. To do that,

first install the RPM Fusion repositories…

Then install the driver for the “plain” i686 kernel and the x86_64 kernel this way…Code:

suyum install kmod-wl

For the PAE kernel, install it this way…Code:

suyum install kmod-wl-PAE

Then reboot and check the NetworkManager panel applet for available networks.

If you don’t have a wired Internet connection to do the yum commands, then you still can install the driver offline. For that,

return and report the running kernel…Code:

uname -r

偶的步骤如下:用root直接yum localinstall –nogpgcheck

之后直接yum install kmod-wl




Fedora 14 下轻松安装Broadcom无线网卡


