实践案例: Zabbix通过Proxy代理主动模式跨网段监

1. Zabbix 6.0.4 Proxy 概述

本次实验在 Zabbix 6.0.4 版本下完成。

Zabbix通过主动和被动Proxy代理分别主动方式和被动方式监控跨网段两台Linux主机。我们可以理解Zabbix的Proxy代理就是一个简化版的Zabbix-Server软件包,它可以被部署在异地的备份机房或者分支机构,完成当地监控数据收集再上报给zabbix server。


zabbxy proxy

zabbix server

















2. 实验架构图

本次实验在 Zabbix 6.0.4 版本下完成。Zabbix代理主机名定义为:proxy_active Zabbix代理主机IP地址:

3. Zabbix-Agent 主动代理模式Linux主机的安装及配置

[root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#hostname -I[root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#cat /etc/hosts127.0.0.1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6172.16.0.118 proxy_active[root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#[root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#rpm -Uvh https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/6.0/rhel/8/x86_64/zabbix-release-6.0-1.el8.noarch.rpm[root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#dnf clean all[root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#yum -y install zabbix-agent[root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#systemctl enable –now zabbix-agent [root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#grep “^[a-Z]” /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.confPidFile=/run/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.pidLogFile=/var/log/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.logLogFileSize=0Server= #Zabbix-Server的IP地址ServerActive= #主动模式的zabbix-proxy的IP地址Hostname= #agent 本机地址,也可以用名称,DNS-hosts中就要做好解析Timeout=10 # 建议用10,网上有大神说太小会报错,我没碰到Include=/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/*.conf[root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#[root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#systemctl restart zabbix-agent## 查看日志[root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#tail /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.log 8574:20220527:224432.733 IPv6 support: YES 8574:20220527:224432.733 TLS support: YES 8574:20220527:224432.733 ************************** 8574:20220527:224432.733 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf 8574:20220527:224432.734 agent #0 started [main process] 8575:20220527:224432.734 agent #1 started [collector] 8576:20220527:224432.735 agent #2 started [listener #1] 8577:20220527:224432.735 agent #3 started [listener #2] 8578:20220527:224432.736 agent #4 started [listener #3] 8579:20220527:224432.737 agent #5 started [active checks #1][root@CentOS84-IP172-18 ]#

4. 主动代理模式 Zabbix-Proxy 安装及配置

#### DNS域名问题## 在Zabbix-Server 和 Zabbix-Proxy 两台主机最好都加上下面地域名解析,尤其是Zabbix-Proxy 必加否则会报错,抓不到数据。[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#cat /etc/hosts127.0.0.1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6172.16.0.118 proxy_active #这条信息容易理解172.16.0.18 #这条不加偶尔出现错误: cannot send list of active checks to “”: host [] not found[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]################################################################################# 特别提示:Zabbix对MariaDB数据库版本有具体要求,在后来的日志提示看到是要求10.5,不符合要求服务启动不了,在日志内有相关的信息。#### Zabbix-Proxy 数据库安装和准备[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#cat /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo# MariaDB 10.7 CentOS repository list – created 2022-05-08 05:20 UTC# https://mariadb.org/download/[mariadb]name = MariaDBbaseurl = https://tw1.mirror.blendbyte.net/mariadb/yum/10.7/centos8-amd64module_hotfixes=1gpgkey=https://tw1.mirror.blendbyte.net/mariadb/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDBgpgcheck=1[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#dnf install -y MariaDB-server[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#systemctl enable –now mariadb[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#mysqlWelcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.Your MariaDB connection id is 3Server version: 10.7.4-MariaDB MariaDB ServerCopyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.MariaDB [(none)]> create database zabbix_proxy_active character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on zabbix_proxy_active.* to proxy@’172.16.0.%’ identified by ‘123456’; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.002 sec)## 提示:数据库的用户名尽量不要出现空,建库或者导入库容易报错MariaDB [(none)]> select user,host from mysql.user;+————-+————+| User | Host |+————-+————+| proxy | 172.16.0.% || mariadb.sys | localhost || mysql | localhost || proxy | localhost || root | localhost |+————-+————+5 rows in set (0.208 sec)MariaDB [(none)]> quitBye[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]################################################################################# 安装zabbix-proxy及依赖包、工具包等[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#rpm -Uvh https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/6.0/rhel/8/x86_64/zabbix-release-6.0-1.el8.noarch.rpm[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#dnf clean all[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#yum -y install zabbix-proxy zabbix-proxy-mysql zabbix-sql-scripts zabbix-get [root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#cat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-sql-scripts/mysql/proxy.sql | mysql -uproxy -p123456 -h172.16.0.118 zabbix_proxy_active[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#mysqlWelcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.Your MariaDB connection id is 13Server version: 10.7.4-MariaDB MariaDB ServerCopyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;+———————+| Database |+———————+| information_schema || mysql || performance_schema || sys || test || zabbix_proxy_active |+———————+6 rows in set (0.124 sec)MariaDB [(none)]> quit[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#vim /etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.conf[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#grep “^[a-Z]” /etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.confProxyMode=0Server=[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#systemctl start zabbix-proxy[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#tail -n50 /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.log 7387:20220527:224645.245 SSH support: YES 7387:20220527:224645.245 IPv6 support: YES 7387:20220527:224645.245 TLS support: YES 7387:20220527:224645.245 ************************** 7387:20220527:224645.245 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_proxy.conf 7387:20220527:224645.264 Unsupported DB! MariaDB version is 100704 which is higher than maximum of 100699 7387:20220527:224645.266 current database version (mandatory/optional): 06000000/06000000 7387:20220527:224645.266 required mandatory version: 06000000 7387:20220527:224645.266 proxy #0 started [main process] 7388:20220527:224645.267 proxy #1 started [configuration syncer #1] 7389:20220527:224645.288 proxy #2 started [trapper #1] 7390:20220527:224645.289 proxy #3 started [trapper #2] 7391:20220527:224645.289 proxy #4 started [trapper #3] 7393:20220527:224645.291 proxy #6 started [trapper #5] 7394:20220527:224645.292 proxy #7 started [preprocessing manager #1] 7395:20220527:224645.293 proxy #8 started [preprocessing worker #1] 7396:20220527:224645.294 proxy #9 started [preprocessing worker #2] 7397:20220527:224645.295 proxy #10 started [preprocessing worker #3] 7392:20220527:224645.295 proxy #5 started [trapper #4] 7398:20220527:224645.295 proxy #11 started [heartbeat sender #1] 7399:20220527:224645.296 proxy #12 started [data sender #1] 7401:20220527:224645.298 proxy #14 started [http poller #1] 7402:20220527:224645.299 proxy #15 started [discoverer #1] 7403:20220527:224645.300 proxy #16 started [history syncer #1] 7405:20220527:224645.302 proxy #18 started [history syncer #3] 7406:20220527:224645.303 proxy #19 started [history syncer #4] 7407:20220527:224645.304 proxy #20 started [self-monitoring #1] 7408:20220527:224645.305 proxy #21 started [task manager #1] 7409:20220527:224645.305 proxy #22 started [poller #1] 7410:20220527:224645.306 proxy #23 started [poller #2] 7411:20220527:224645.307 proxy #24 started [poller #3] 7412:20220527:224645.308 proxy #25 started [poller #4] 7413:20220527:224645.309 proxy #26 started [poller #5] 7414:20220527:224645.310 proxy #27 started [unreachable poller #1] 7415:20220527:224645.311 proxy #28 started [icmp pinger #1] 7404:20220527:224645.311 proxy #17 started [history syncer #2] 7416:20220527:224645.312 proxy #29 started [history poller #1] 7417:20220527:224645.313 proxy #30 started [availability manager #1] 7418:20220527:224645.313 proxy #31 started [odbc poller #1] 7400:20220527:224645.314 proxy #13 started [housekeeper #1] 7388:20220527:224645.364 received configuration data from server at “”, datalen 18962 7388:20220527:224715.502 received configuration data from server at “”, datalen 18962 7388:20220527:224745.642 received configuration data from server at “”, datalen 18962 7388:20220527:224815.784 received configuration data from server at “”, datalen 18962 7388:20220527:224845.923 received configuration data from server at “”, datalen 18962 7388:20220527:224916.063 received configuration data from server at “”, datalen 18962 7388:20220527:224946.176 received configuration data from server at “”, datalen 18962 7388:20220527:225016.326 received configuration data from server at “”, datalen 18962 7388:20220527:225046.437 received configuration data from server at “”, datalen 18962 7388:20220527:225116.578 received configuration data from server at “”, datalen 18962[root@CentOS84-IP172-118 ]#

5. 配置 Zabbix-Server — 主动代理模式5.1 Zabbix-Server添加主动代理

管理 –> agent代理程序 –> 创建代理:

5.2 创建主动式主机并关联模板

配置 — 主机 — 创建主机

5.3 zabbix_server 与代理模式相关的日志

[root@CentOS84-IP18 ]#tail -n50 /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log…………………………609389:20220527:222332.406 server #38 started [java poller #16]609390:20220527:222332.407 server #39 started [java poller #17]609391:20220527:222332.408 server #40 started [java poller #18]609392:20220527:222332.409 server #41 started [java poller #19]609393:20220527:222332.410 server #42 started [java poller #20]609394:20220527:222332.411 server #43 started [proxy poller #1]609395:20220527:222332.412 server #44 started [self-monitoring #1]609396:20220527:222332.413 server #45 started [task manager #1]609397:20220527:222332.414 server #46 started [poller #1]609398:20220527:222332.415 server #47 started [poller #2]609399:20220527:222332.416 server #48 started [poller #3]609400:20220527:222332.417 server #49 started [poller #4]609402:20220527:222332.419 server #51 started [unreachable poller #1]609403:20220527:222332.420 server #52 started [trapper #1]609404:20220527:222332.421 server #53 started [trapper #2]609405:20220527:222332.422 server #54 started [trapper #3]609406:20220527:222332.423 server #55 started [trapper #4]609407:20220527:222332.424 server #56 started [trapper #5]609401:20220527:222332.425 server #50 started [poller #5]609409:20220527:222332.426 server #58 started [alert syncer #1]609410:20220527:222332.427 server #59 started [history poller #1]609411:20220527:222332.428 server #60 started [history poller #2]609412:20220527:222332.429 server #61 started [history poller #3]609413:20220527:222332.430 server #62 started [history poller #4]609414:20220527:222332.431 server #63 started [history poller #5]609415:20220527:222332.432 server #64 started [availability manager #1]609416:20220527:222332.433 server #65 started [trigger housekeeper #1]609417:20220527:222332.434 server #66 started [odbc poller #1]609408:20220527:222332.435 server #57 started [icmp pinger #1]609406:20220527:222349.155 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609405:20220527:222419.294 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609406:20220527:222449.431 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609406:20220527:222519.549 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609403:20220527:222549.690 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609406:20220527:222619.827 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609405:20220527:222649.962 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609407:20220527:222720.101 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609404:20220527:222750.219 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609403:20220527:222755.540 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609403:20220527:222825.668 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609403:20220527:222854.722 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609406:20220527:222924.865 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609403:20220527:222954.980 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609406:20220527:223025.118 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609403:20220527:223055.256 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609404:20220527:223125.396 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609405:20220527:223155.531 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609403:20220527:223225.656 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609407:20220527:223255.775 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5609407:20220527:223311.110 sending configuration data to proxy “proxy_active” at “”, datalen 13548, bytes 3013 with compression ratio 4.5

6. zabbix-server web验证主机监控状态

监测 — 主机

7. 实践总结


保证防火墙和Selinux一定要关闭,同时要保证时间和时钟一定要同步。关联的主机名和IP地址对应关系建议写到所有相关的主机的hosts文件中。跨网段一定要是路由方式,NAT方式特别容易出现问题,来回数据不容易搞清晰。出问题一定要看日志,按照日志提示去解决问题。 生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己

实践案例: Zabbix通过Proxy代理主动模式跨网段监


