Python 邮件发送脚本

今天补充完测试用例, 正好有一大把空闲的时间, 可以用来个Python发送邮件的脚本, 最烦的就是登陆卡卡的Gmail, 发送邮件了。 登陆网页查询单词, 发送飞信等常用操作行为, 我尽量用Python搞定, 所以说, 世界是靠懒人推动的!

比较闹心的是, 使用smtplib模块登陆Gmail, 只能用python 执行, 不可以修改权限后 ./ 执行, 否则会爆出如下错误:

smtplib.SMTPException: SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server.



#!/usr/bin/python#coding : utf-8import sysimport smtplib#init serverUSAGE = ''The usages are blow:python mailto * -t 'this is title' -c 'this is content'orpython mailto * -c 'this is content'''SERVER = ''PORT = 587USER = ''GF = ''PASSWD = '03'def send_email(receiver, msg):   # print PASSWD, USER    try:        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(SERVER, PORT)         smtp.ehlo()        smtp.starttls()        smtp.login(USER, PASSWD)        smtp.sendmail(USER, receiver, msg)         print 'Success!'    except:         print 'failed to send'def main():    length = len(sys.argv)#    print length    if not (length == 6 or length == 4):        print USAGE        return     if sys.argv[1] == 'me':        receiver = USER    elif sys.argv[1] == 'love':        receiver = GF    else:        receiver = sys.argv[1]#    print receiver    if length == 4 and sys.argv[2] == '-c':        headers  = '\r\n'.join([            'from: ' + USER,            'subject: ' + 'An email from ' + USER,            'to: ' + receiver,            'mime-version: 1.0',            'content-type: text/html'            ])        content = headers + '\r\n\r\n' + sys.argv[3]     if length == 6 and sys.argv[2] == '-t':        headers  = '\r\n'.join([            'from: ' + USER,            'subject: ' + sys.argv[3],            'to: ' + receiver,            'mime-version: 1.0',            'content-type: text/html'            ])        content = headers + '\r\n\r\n' + sys.argv[5]     try:        send_email(receiver, content)     except:        print 'failed to send email'        print USAGEif __name__ == '__main__':    main()        


Python 邮件发送脚本


