

* Li Feng
* 2011/09/12
* */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define FLEN 1024 // file name length
#define LINELEN 1024 // line length
#define FLAG_ON 1
#define FLAG_OFF 0
#define DEPTH 128 // stack depth

typedef enum {
_SWITCH, // before switch these keywords can be repalced by '{'
KEYWORDCNT, // stand for the number of keywords
_LS, // stands for '('
_LB, // stands for '{'
_RS, // stands for ')'
_RB, // stands for '}'
_SEMICOLON // stands for ';'
} mykey_t; // these are all domains except KEYWORDCNT

typedef struct
mykey_t type; // domain type
int nexttabs; // next line ahead tabs
int currtabs; // current line ahead tabs
int isself; // when isself == FLAG_ON use currtabs otherwise nexttabs
int linenum; // linenum
int issub; // only used in situation of xxx = {..... next line }
} domain_t;

typedef struct
mykey_t type; // keyword type
int offset; // keyword's offset in the line
} keyword_t;

char *keywords[KEYWORDCNT] = { "if", "while", "do", "for",
"else", "switch", "case", "default" };
typedef enum{
_CMT, // comment line
_BLK, // blank line
_NOR, // normal line

/* read every line in the file and adjust the format*/
void adjfmt( char* line, char* buf, int* sflag, int* cflag,
int* domaintop, domain_t** domainS, int linenum );
/* when domain is '}',')'or';' popout domains*/
void popdomain( mykey_t domainkey, int* domaintopp, domain_t** domainS, int linenum );
void pushdomain( mykey_t domainkey, int* domaintopp, domain_t** domainS, int linenum );
void myinsertSort( keyword_t** tosort, int start, int end );
void myquickSort( keyword_t** tosort, int start, int end );
/* sort keywords by offset*/
void sortorigbyoffset( keyword_t** origkeywordS, int origtop );
/* get keywords in the line*/
void getorigkeywords(char* line, int* origtop, keyword_t** origkeywordS );
/* push keywords into the keywords stack*/
void pushorig(int offset, mykey_t type, int* origtopp, keyword_t** origkeywordS);
/* check is keywords or domains in the string*/
void checkstr( char* line, int index ,int *flag);
/* do prasefile in the file stack*/
void execS( char** fileS, int* filetop );
/* put files into the file stack*/
void Sfile( char* fname, char** fileS, int* filetop );
/* count souce*/
void cntsource( char* line, int* sflag, int* cflag, linetype_t* linetype );
/* do adjust to the file*/
int prasefile(char* _fname);
/* check domains' right*/
int checkright(char r, mykey_t type);
/* check domains' left*/
int checkleft(char l, mykey_t type);
/* prase directory*/
int prasedir(char* _fname, char** fileS, int* filetop);
/* check is keywords in comment*/
int checkcomment( char* line, int index, int* flag);
/* quick sort get mid*/
int getmid( keyword_t** tosort, int start, int end );
/* quicksort partion*/
int mypartion( keyword_t** tosort, int start, int end );
/* rule out keywords*/
mykey_t ruleoutkeywords(int offset, int* origtopp, keyword_t** origkeywordS );
/* not used*/
keyword_t* poporig(int* origtopp, keyword_t** origkeywordS);

static int mlcc1 =0, frc1 = 0; // malloc and free counter for keyword
static int mlcc2 =0, frc2 = 0; // malloc and free counter for domain
static int mlcc3 =0, frc3 = 0; // malloc and free counter for fname
/* flag reverse*/
static const char *shortoptions = "bcfnr";
static int isrecursive = FLAG_OFF;
static int isformat = FLAG_OFF;
static int iscount = FLAG_OFF;
static int isrollback = FLAG_OFF;
static int isbackup = FLAG_ON;
static int cmtline = 0, blkline = 0, norline = 0;

inline static void printusg()
printf( "Usage:blktotab < [ [-b] or [ [-f] [-c] ] ] > [-r] [-n] < [directory] [file]... > \n" );
printf( "\t-b: roll back formated source\n");
printf( "\t-c: count how many blank, comme



