IOS 自动布局指南1 介绍(auto layout guide)




Auto Layout is a system that lets you lay out your app’s user interface by creating a mathematical description of the relationships between the elements. You define these relationships in terms of constraints either on individual elements, or between sets of elements. Using Auto Layout, you can create a dynamic and versatile interface that responds appropriately to changes in screen size, device orientation, and localization.



Auto Layout is built into Interface Builder in Xcode 5, and is available to apps targeted at either iOS and OS X. Auto Layout is enabled by default when you create a new project. If you have an existing project that doesn’t use Auto Layout, readAdopting Auto Layout.

The typical workflow for creating user interfaces starts by using Interface Builder to create, reposition, resize, and customize your views and controls. When you are satisfied with the positions and settings, you’re ready to start adding Auto Layout constraints so that your interface can react to changes in orientation, size, and localization.


自动布局内置在Xcode 5 的用户界面生成器中,它可以同时使用在IOS和OS X系统的app开发中。当年创建一个新项目的时候,自动布局是默认启用的。如果你有一个没有使用自动布局的现有项目,读这篇文章:《采用自动布局》


At a Glance(概述)

Auto Layout in Xcode5 provides powerful workflows for rapidly and easily creating and maintaining constraint-based layouts in OS X and iOS apps. With Xcode5, you can:

Add constraints when you are ready

Quickly add constraints using control-drag or menu options

Update constraints and frames separately

Specify placeholder constraints for dynamic views

See, understand, and resolve issues with conflicting constraints or ambiguous views

在Xcode5中自动布局提供了强有力的工作流程,是你可以快速轻易的构建可维护的基于约束布局的IOS和OSX 应用。使用XCode5你可以这么干:

Organization of This Document(这些文档的组织)——这些文章之后会翻译

Read the following chapters to learn how to use Auto Layout:

Auto Layout Conceptsto learn about the main concepts you need to understand when using Auto Layout

Working with Constraints in Interface Builderto learn about using Interface Builder to create and edit layout constraints

Working with Auto Layout Programmaticallyto learn about working with Auto Layout in code

Resolving Auto Layout Issuesto learn about identifying and debugging issues with your layout

Auto Layout by Exampleto see examples of common Auto Layout use cases

Implementing a Custom View to Work with Auto Layoutto learn how to implement a custom view that interoperates with Auto Layout

Adopting Auto Layoutto learn how to adopt Auto Layout in an existing project that doesn’t use Auto Layout

Visual Format Languageto learn about the language used to create constraints in code



IOS 自动布局指南1 介绍(auto layout guide)


