
Kamailio (former OpenSER) is an Open Source SIP Server released under GPL, able to handle thousands of call setups per second. Among features: asynchronous TCP, UDP and SCTP, secure communication via TLS for VoIP (voice, video); WebSocket support for WebRTC; IPv4 and IPv6; SIMPLE instant messaging and presence with embedded XCAP server and MSRP relay; IMS extensions; ENUM; DID and least cost routing; load balancing; routing fail-over; accounting, authentication and authorization; support for many backend systems such as MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, Radius, LDAP, Redis, Cassandra; XMLRPC control interface, SNMP monitoring. It can be used to build large VoIP servicing platforms or to scale up SIP-to-PSTN gateways, PBX systems or media servers like Asterisk, FreeSWITCH or SEMS. Kamailio and the SIP Express Router (SER) teamed up for the integration of the two applications and new development.




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