支付宝面试题: 30秒内限制某方法被调用100次 (一个时间段限制

假设一个Class的方法 a,被限定30秒内只能被调用100次,如何实现。当时没答上,回来补上 1、定义调用接口Icallee

public interface Icallee {public void play();}


public class Callee implements Icallee {@Overridepublic void play() {// TODO Auto-generated method stubSystem.out.println(" Hello…The method is being called. ");}}


public class CheckCalledTimesInPeriod {private Icallee callee;private int limitTime;private long startMills;private int limitCount;// record the times that be calledstatic private int count = 0 ; public CheckCalledTimesInPeriod(int minute,long startMills,int limitCount){ this.limitTime= minute; this.startMills = startMills; this.limitCount = limitCount; callee = new Callee(); }//Limit the times that be called for a periodpublic synchronized void execute(){ long nowMills = System.currentTimeMillis(); count++; if(nowMills<=(startMills+limitTime*60000)&&count<=limitCount) { callee.play(); } //to Log the times Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); CallerRunning.sb.append("You are calling = "+count+" times. The time is = "+format.format(c.getTime())+"\r\n");System.out.println("You are calling "+count+" times."+"The Time is = "+format.format(c.getTime())); } }


public class CallerRunning {// to store the log data static public StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();/*** @param args*/public static void main(String[] args) { long startMills = System.currentTimeMillis(); long nowMills = startMills ; //call a method 60000 times in 1 minute CheckCalledTimesInPeriod called = new CheckCalledTimesInPeriod(1, startMills, 60000); //to log the running time Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); sb.append("begin time is = "+format.format(c.getTime())+"\r\n"); //test run in 6 second while(nowMills<=(startMills+6000)) { nowMills = System.currentTimeMillis(); called.execute(); } //to write the log to txt Calendar d = Calendar.getInstance(); sb.append("end time is = "+format.format(d.getTime())+"\r\n"); writeTxt("C:\\test.txt", sb.toString());}public static void writeTxt(String filePath, String content){ try { File f = new File(filePath); if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile();// 不存在则创建 } BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)); output.write(content); output.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }}

5、TXT文件结果 LOG

begin time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 1 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 2 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 3 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 4 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 5 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 6 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 7 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 8 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 9 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 10 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 11 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 12 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 13 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 14 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 15 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 16 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 17 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 18 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 19 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 20 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 21 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 22 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 23 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 24 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 25 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 26 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 27 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 28 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 29 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 30 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 31 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 32 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 33 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 34 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 35 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 36 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 37 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 38 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 39 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22You are calling = 40 times. The time is = 2014-04-04 04:21:22



支付宝面试题: 30秒内限制某方法被调用100次 (一个时间段限制


