
1. 新加坡 4月8-9日 “IOT Asia 2015”

In 2015, the second annual IoT Asia event will continue to raise the profile of the IoT industry in Asia Pacific by highlighting relevant technological developments and capabilities to businesses (end-users), augment understanding, and generate interest towards greater IoT adoption."

本次会议涉及Security Panel,Analytics Service,multi-protocols,Convergence future and and Possible Architectures,Smart Machine & Intelligent,IoT for Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions,IOT Standards ….分关注技术和关注终端用户两种会议,同期举行,可自由选择


2. 美国旧金山 5月12-13日 物联网2015世界年会

跟IOT Asia一样,是第二年举办该会议,将会网罗超过275位横跨本领域的专家讲者,拓展IoT市场的覆盖范围,每日举办4大方向的深入讨论会,其中两个涵盖了消费者IoT,另外两个则包含了企业导向IoT,提供整整2天8种丰富内容,每个会议皆安排了精彩的个案研究、分析以及从业者演讲,提供独到的见解与链接,,本会议中包含各种与IoT有关且对广大市场影响深远的议题,并针对各个业界可能面临的挑战举办了专门研讨会

费用USD 1,895

3. 英国伦敦 6月23-24日 世界智能家居2015

Themes for discussion on the agenda include:

Exploring and understanding the Smart Home Ecosystem and Value Chain

Smart Home Business Models

Niche to Mass Market: Raising Customer Adoption and Awareness

Building an effective Smart Home Offering: Products & Partnerships

How Open is Open? The Interoperability Challenge

Smart Home and the Internet of Things: moving towards ‘The Connected Life’

Smart Home Use Cases: The B2C Perspective – Telco, Utility, Retail, Insurance, Healthcare and Security




