NYOJ 698 A Coin Problem (斐波那契)

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描述One day,Jiameier is tidying up the room,and find some coins. Then she throws the coin to play.Suddenly,she thinks of a problem ,that if throw n times coin ,how many situations of no-continuous up of the coin. Hey,Let’s solve the problem.输入The first of input is an integer T which stands for the number of test cases. For each test case, there is one integer n (1<=n<=1000000000) in a line, indicate the times of throwing coins.输出The number of all situations of no-continuous up of the coin, moduled by 10000.样例输入3123样例输出235来源SCU Programming Contest 2011 Preliminary思路:大数的斐波那契。


#include <stdio.h>int main(){int i;int a[15010];a[0]=0,a[1]=2,a[2]=3;for(i=3;i<15010;i++)a[i]=(a[i-1]+a[i-2])%10000;int n;scanf("%d",&n);while(n–){int m;scanf("%d",&m);printf("%d\n",a[m%15000]%10000);}return 0;}When you want to give up, think of why you persist until now!


NYOJ 698 A Coin Problem (斐波那契)


