

Mycat情报 基于阿里的开源cobar ,可以用于生产系统中,目前在做如下的一些改进: 非阻塞IO的实现,相对于目前的cobar,并发性能大大提升,而且不会陷入假死状态 优化线程池的分配,目前cobar的线程池分配效率不高 修复cobar一些BUG 参考impala中的impala front部分的Java代码,实现高效的Map-Reduce,能够处理上亿的大数据量 实现自动分片特性,目前cobar需要手工分片,并有一定的编程限制 官方网站: https://github.com/MyCATApache/ 好多文档,大多数都是word的,写的非常详细。 https://github.com/MyCATApache/Mycat-doc Mycat是cobar重新优化开发的版本,和cobar的很多配置都类似。 可以参考之前写的cobar安装:


下载二进制安装文件 https://github.com/MyCATApache/Mycat-download 解压缩到/usr/local/mycat 修改配置文件:

=”http://org.opencloudb/”>#数据库名称是TESTDB,sqlMaxLimit设置limit防止错误sql查询大量数据=”false” sqlMaxLimit=”100″>#自动分库规则==”auto-sharding-long” />#全局配置表,所有数据均同步到每个数据库。<!– global table is auto cloned to all defined data nodes ,so can joinwith any table whose sharding node is in the same data node –>========”dn1,dn2″rule=”sharding-by-intfile” />#关联子表配置,不太明白========></schema>#配置多个dataNode,制定dataHost和数据库名称。=====”db3″ />#配置dataHost的读写分配。同时mysql也要配置好,Master-Slave或Master-Master===>select user()==<!– <readHost host=”hostS1″ url=”localhost:3306″ user=”root” password=”123456″/> –>></mycat:schema>

wrapper.conf是mycat的配置文件启动参数等 rule.xml 是配置规则xml 还有几个配置文件慢慢研究 创建数据库

utf8 db2 utf8 db3 utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

服务启动:/bin/mycat start /bin/mycat这个问题同时可以作为service,拷贝到/etc/init.d/目录下即可。



# mysql -utest -ptest -h -P8066Warning: USING a password ON the command line interface can be insecure.Welcome TO the MySQL monitor. Commands END WITH ; OR \g.Your MySQL connection id IS 1Server version: 5.5.8-mycat-1.3 MyCat Server (OpenCloundDB)Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle AND/OR its affiliates. ALL rights reserved.Oracle IS a registered trademark OF Oracle Corporation AND/OR itsaffiliates. Other names may be trademarks OF their respectiveowners.TYPE ‘help;’ OR ‘\h’ FOR help. TYPE ‘\c’ TO clear the CURRENT INPUT statement.mysql> SHOW DATABASES;+———-+| DATABASE |+———-+| TESTDB |+———-+1 ROW IN SET (0.02 sec)mysql> USE TESTDB;Reading TABLE information FOR completion OF TABLE AND COLUMN namesYou can turn off this feature TO GET a quicker startup WITH -ADATABASE changedmysql> SHOW TABLES;+——————+| TABLES IN TESTDB |+——————+| company|| customer|| customer_addr || employee|| goods|| hotnews|| orders|| order_items|| travelrecord|+——————+9 ROWS IN SET (0.00 sec)mysql> CREATE TABLE company(id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(100));Query OK, 0 ROWS affected (0.05 sec)mysql> EXPLAIN CREATE TABLE company(id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(100));+———–+———————————————————————+| DATA_NODE | SQL|+———–+———————————————————————+| dn1| CREATE TABLE company(id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(100)) || dn2| CREATE TABLE company(id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(100)) || dn3| CREATE TABLE company(id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(100)) |+———–+———————————————————————+3 ROWS IN SET (0.01 sec)mysql> INSERT INTO company(id,name) VALUES(1,’hp’); INSERT INTO company(id,name) VALUES(2,’ibm’); INSERT INTO company(id,name) VALUES(3,’oracle’);Query OK, 3 ROWS affected (0.37 sec)Query OK, 3 ROWS affected (0.01 sec)Query OK, 3 ROWS affected (0.00 sec)mysql> SELECT * FROM company ;+—-+——–+| id | name |+—-+——–+| 1 | hp|| 2 | ibm || 3 | oracle |+—-+——–+3 ROWS IN SET (0.01 sec)


# mysql -utest -ptest -h -P9066Warning: USING a password ON the command line interface can be insecure.Welcome TO the MySQL monitor. Commands END WITH ; OR \g.Your MySQL connection id IS 2Server version: 5.5.8-mycat-1.3 CobarManager@AlibabaCopyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle AND/OR its affiliates. ALL rights reserved.Oracle IS a registered trademark OF Oracle Corporation AND/OR itsaffiliates. Other names may be trademarks OF their respectiveowners.TYPE ‘help;’ OR ‘\h’ FOR help. TYPE ‘\c’ TO clear the CURRENT INPUT statement.mysql> SHOW @@help;+————————————–+———————————–+| STATEMENT| DESCRIPTION|+————————————–+———————————–+| clear @@slow WHERE datanode = ?| Clear slow SQL BY datanode|| clear @@slow WHERE schema = ?| Clear slow SQL BY schema|| KILL @@connection id1,id2,…| KILL the specified connections || offline| CHANGE MyCat STATUS TO OFF|| online| CHANGE MyCat STATUS TO ON|| reload @@config| Reload ALL config FROM file|| reload @@route| Reload route config FROM file|| reload @@USER| Reload USER config FROM file|| ROLLBACK @@config| ROLLBACK ALL config FROM memory || ROLLBACK @@route| ROLLBACK route config FROM memory || ROLLBACK @@USER| ROLLBACK USER config FROM memory || SHOW @@backend| Report backend connection STATUS || SHOW @@cache| Report system cache usage|| SHOW @@command| Report commands STATUS|| SHOW @@connection| Report connection STATUS|| SHOW @@connection.SQL| Report connection SQL|| SHOW @@DATABASE| Report DATABASES|| SHOW @@datanode| Report dataNodes|| SHOW @@datanode WHERE schema = ?| Report dataNodes|| SHOW @@datasource| Report dataSources|| SHOW @@datasource WHERE dataNode = ? | Report dataSources|| SHOW @@heartbeat| Report heartbeat STATUS|| SHOW @@parser| Report parser STATUS|| SHOW @@processor| Report processor STATUS|| SHOW @@router| Report router STATUS|| SHOW @@server| Report server STATUS|| SHOW @@SESSION| Report front SESSION details|| SHOW @@slow WHERE datanode = ?| Report datanode slow SQL|| SHOW @@slow WHERE schema = ?| Report schema slow SQL|| SHOW @@SQL WHERE id = ?| Report specify SQL|| SHOW @@SQL.detail WHERE id = ?| Report EXECUTE detail STATUS|| SHOW @@SQL.EXECUTE| Report EXECUTE STATUS|| SHOW @@SQL.slow| Report slow SQL|| SHOW @@threadpool| Report threadPool STATUS|| SHOW @@TIME.CURRENT| Report CURRENT TIMESTAMP|| SHOW @@TIME.startup| Report startup TIMESTAMP|| SHOW @@version| Report Mycat Server version|| stop @@heartbeat name:TIME| Pause dataNode heartbeat|| switch @@datasource name:INDEX| Switch dataSource|+————————————–+———————————–+(0.03 sec)mysql> SHOW @@backend;+————+——+———+—————–+——+——–+——–+———+——+——–+———-+————+——–+———+————+| processor | id | mysqlId | host| port | l_port | net_in | net_out | life | closed | borrowed | SEND_QUEUE | schema | txlevel | autocommit |+————+——+———+—————–+——+——–+——–+———+——+——–+———-+————+——–+———+————+| Processor0 | 12 |33 | | 3306 | 42505 | 596 |501 | 3384 | FALSE | FALSE |0 …….17 ROWS IN SET (0.03 sec)mysql> SHOW @@connection;+————+——+———–+——+————+——–+———+——–+———+—————+————-+————+———+————+| PROCESSOR | ID | HOST| PORT | LOCAL_PORT | SCHEMA | CHARSET | NET_IN | NET_OUT | ALIVE_TIME(S) | RECV_BUFFER | SEND_QUEUE | txlevel | autocommit |+————+——+———–+——+————+——–+———+——–+———+—————+————-+————+———+————+| Processor0 | 2 | | 9066 |35952 | NULL | utf8 | 156 | 4107 |40 |4096 |0 | NULL | NULL|| Processor0 | 1 | | 8066 |16525 | TESTDB | utf8 | 2005 | 5132 |3461 |4096 |0 | 3| TRUE|+————+——+———–+——+————+——–+———+——–+———+—————+————-+————+———+————+2 ROWS IN SET (0.02 sec)mysql> SHOW @@heartbeat;+——–+——-+—————–+——+———+——-+——–+———+————–+———————+——-+| NAME | TYPE | HOST| PORT | RS_CODE | RETRY | STATUS | TIMEOUT | EXECUTE_TIME | LAST_ACTIVE_TIME | STOP |+——–+——-+—————–+——+———+——-+——–+———+————–+———————+——-+| hostM1 | mysql | | 3306 |1 |0 | idle | 30000 | 0,0,0| 2015-03-03 14:45:00 | FALSE |+——–+——-+—————–+——+———+——-+——–+———+————–+———————+——-+1 ROW IN SET (0.01 sec)mysql> SHOW @@datanode;+——+—————-+——-+——-+——–+——+——+———+————+———-+———+—————+| NAME | DATHOST| INDEX | TYPE | ACTIVE | IDLE | SIZE | EXECUTE | TOTAL_TIME | MAX_TIME | MAX_SQL | RECOVERY_TIME |+——+—————-+——-+——-+——–+——+——+———+————+———-+———+—————+| dn1 | localhost1/db1 |0 | mysql |0 | 9 | 50 |27 |0 |0 |0 |-1 || dn2 | localhost1/db2 |0 | mysql |0 | 4 | 50 |26 |0 |0 |0 |-1 || dn3 | localhost1/db3 |0 | mysql |0 | 3 | 50 |17 |0 |0 |0 |-1 |+——+—————-+——-+——-+——–+——+——+———+————+———-+———+—————+3 ROWS IN SET (0.01 sec)mysql> SHOW @@cache;+————————————-+——-+——+——–+——+——+—————+—————+| CACHE| MAX | CUR | ACCESS | HIT | PUT | LAST_ACCESS | LAST_PUT|+————————————-+——-+——+——–+——+——+—————+—————+| SQLRouteCache| 10000 | 1 |8 | 0 | 1 | 1425364473193 | 1425363891040 || TableID2DataNodeCache.TESTDB_ORDERS | 50000 | 0 |0 | 0 | 0 |0 |0 || ER_SQL2PARENTID| 1000 | 0 |0 | 0 | 0 |0 |0 |+————————————-+——-+——+——–+——+——+—————+—————+3 ROWS IN SET (0.05 sec)4,总结总结成功的经验能够让人越来越聪明,



