Pfile VS Spfile (MOS Note 249664.1)



Until Oracle 8i DBAs have been using a text file called the pfile (parameter file) to store the database initialization parameters. —8i之前使用文本参数文件The pfile is read at instance startup time to get specific instance characteristics. Any changes made the pfile would only take effect when the database is restarted.However, parameters that were dynamically alterable could be changed using the appropriate ALTER SYSTEM or ALTER SESSION statement, which would take effect immediately.As of Oracle9i, new feature called the spfile (server parameter file). The spfile is a binary file that contains the same information as the old pfile. –9i开始引入和服务参数文件,二进制类型The spfile is a server-side initialization parameter file; parameters stored in this file are persistent across database startups.This makes all the changes made to the instance using the ALTER SYSTEM statement persistent. Oracle requires that you start an instance for the first time using the pfile and then create the spfile.The server parameter file (also called SPFILE) is in a single location where all the necessary parameters are defined and stored. The defined parameter values are applicable for all the instances in the cluster.The SPFILE permits dynamic changes without requiring you to bring down the instance.You can still use the client side parameter file to manage parameter settings in Real Application Clusters; however, administrative convenience is sacrificed and the advantage of dynamic change is lost.By default, if you do not specify PFILE in your STARTUP command, Oracle will use a server parameter file.—数据库启动的时候默认使用spfileSERVER PARAMETER FILE ( SPFILE )—服务参数文件================================A server parameter file is basically a repository for initialization parameters.Initialization parameters stored in a SPFILE are persistent, meaning any parameter changes made while an instance is running can persist across instance shutdown and startup.In this way, all the initialization parameters manually updated by ALTER SYSTEM SET commands become persistent.It also provides a basis for the Oracle database server to self-tune.Another advantage, particularly for multi-instance RAC systems, is that a single copy of the parameter file can be used by all instances. Even though a single file is used to specify parameters, it has different format styles to support both the common values for all instances, as well as the specific values for an individual instance.A server parameter file is initially built from the traditional text initialization parameter file, using thecreate SPFILE statement. It is a binary file that cannot be browsed or edited with a text editor.Oracle provides other interfaces for viewing and modifying parameter settings. At system startup, the default behavior of the STARTUP command is to read a SPFILE to obtain initialization parameter settings. If the STARTUP command doesn’t have a PFILE clause, it reads the SPFILE from a locationspecified by the operating system.If you choose to use the traditional text initialization parameter file, you must specify the PFILE clause when issuing the STARTUP command.SETTING THE SERVER PARAMETER FILE VALUES —设置参数文件的values=========================================Use the SID designator to set instance-specific parameter values in the server parameter file.For settings across the database, use a ‘*’, and for a specific instance, set the prefix with SID as indicated below. 数据库范围使用“*”,实例范围使用“SID.”*.OPEN_CURSORS=400 # For database-wide settingRACDB1.OPEN_CURSORS=800# For RACDB1 instanceNote that even though open_cursors is set at 400 for all instances in the first entry, the value of 800 remains in effect for the SID ‘RACDB1′. —相当于就近原则,优先级不一样Some initialization parameters are dynamic since they can be modified using the ALTER SESSION or ALTER SYSTEM statement while an instance is running. Use the following syntax to dynamically alterinitialization parameters:ALTER SESSION SET parameter_name = valueALTER SYSTEM SET parameter_name = value [DEFERRED]Use the SET clause of the ALTER SYSTEM statement to set or change initialization parameter values. Additionally, the SCOPE clause specifies the scope of a change as described below:SCOPE = SPFILE —-对所有的动态参数和静态参数,使用这个语句都是在下次重启之后生效(For both static and dynamic parameters, changes are recorded in the spfile, to be given effect in the next restart.)SCOPE = MEMORY —- 对于动态参数进行调整,下次重启失效(For dynamic parameters, changes are applied in memory only. No static parameter change is allowed.)SCOPE = BOTH —对于动态参数有效,,当前和重启均生效,可以指定DEFERRED参数,延迟生效For dynamic parameters, the change is applied in both the server parameter file and memory. No static parameter change is allowed.)For dynamic parameters, we can also specify the DEFERRED keyword. When specified, the change is effective only for future sessions.HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES 一些例子===========================The following statement affects all instances. However, the values are only effective for the current instances, they are not written to binary SPFILE.ALTER SYSTEM SET OPEN_CURSORS=500 SID=’*’ SCOPE=MEMORY;The next statement resets the value for the instance ‘RACDB1′.At this point, the database-wide setting becomes effective for SID of RACDB1.ALTER SYSTEM RESET OPEN_CURSORS SCOPE=SPFILE sid=’RACDB1′;To reset a parameter to its default value throughout the cluster database, use the command:ALTER SYSTEM RESET OPEN_CURSORS SCOPE=SPFILE sid=’*’;CREATING A SERVER PARAMETER FILE —创建一个参数文件=================================The server parameter file is initially created from a text initialization parameter file (init.ora).It must be created prior to its use in the STARTUP command.The create SPFILE statement is used to create a server parameter file.The following example creates a server parameter file from an initialization parameter file.CREATE SPFILE FROM PFILE=’/u01/oracle/product/920/dbs/initRAC1.ora’;Below is another example that illustrates creating a server parameter file and supplying a name.CREATE SPFILE=’/u01/oracle/product/920/dbs/racdb_spfile.ora’FROM PFILE=’/u01/oracle/product/920/dbs/init.ora’;EXPORTING THE SERVER PARAMETER FILE — 导出参数文件===================================We can export the server parameter file to create a traditional text initialization parameter file.This would be useful for:(作用)1) Creating backups of the server parameter file.–备份2) For diagnostic purposes to list all of the parameter values currently used by an instance. 诊断3) Modifying the server parameter file by first exporting it, editing the output file, and then recreating it.外部编辑The following example creates a text initialization parameter file from the server parameter file:CREATE PFILE FROM SPFILE;The example below creates a text initialization parameter file from a server parameter file, where the names of the files are specified:CREATE PFILE=’/u01/oracle/product/920/dbs/racdb_init.ora’FROM SPFILE=’/u01/oracle/product/dbs/racdb_spfile.ora’;Refer to ‘Oracle 9i Database Reference’ for all the parameters that can be changed with an ALTER SYSTEM command…IS MY DATABASE USING SPFILE ?=============================Am I using spfile or pfile ?The following query will let you know..1) SQL> SELECT name,value FROM vspparameter viewThe contents of the SPFILE can be obtained from the V$SPPARAMETERview: 修改后的静态参数,重启数据库前可以从这个视图里面查到修改后的值


Pfile VS Spfile (MOS Note 249664.1)


