
Last update: 2012-6-7




1. Active Appearance Models


[1998 ECCV] ActiveAppearance Models

[2001 PAMI] ActiveAppearance Models

2. Active Shape Models

[1995 CVIU]Active ShapeModels-Their Training and Application

3. Background modeling andsubtraction

背景建模一直是视频分析尤其是目标检测中的一项关键技术。虽然最近一直有一些新技术的产生,demo效果也很好,比如基于dynamical texture的方法。但最经典的还是Stauffer等在1999年和2000年提出的GMM方法,他们最大的贡献在于不用EM去做高斯拟合,而是采用了一种迭代的算法,这样就不需要保存很多帧的数据,节省了buffer。Zivkovic在2004年的ICPR和PAMI上提出了动态确定高斯数目的方法,把混合高斯模型做到了极致。这种方法效果也很好,而且易于实现。在OpenCV中有现成的函数可以调用。在背景建模大家族里,无参数方法(2000 ECCV)和Vibe方法也值得关注。

[1997 PAMI] PfinderReal-Time Tracking of the Human Body

[1999 CVPR] Adaptivebackground mixture models for real-time tracking

[1999 ICCV] WallflowerPrinciples and Practice of Background Maintenance

[2000 ECCV] Non-parametricModel for Background Subtraction

[2000 PAMI] LearningPatterns of Activity Using Real-Time Tracking

[2002 PIEEE] Backgroundand foreground modeling using nonparametric kernel density estimation forvisual surveillance

[2004 ICPR] Improvedadaptive Gaussian mixture model for background subtraction

[2004 PAMI] Recursiveunsupervised learning of finite mixture models

[2006 PRL] Efficientadaptive density estimation per image pixel for the task of backgroundsubtraction

[2011 TIP] ViBe AUniversal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences

4. Bag of Words


[2003 ICCV] Video Google AText Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in Videos

[2004 ECCV] VisualCategorization with Bags of Keypoints

[2006 CVPR] Beyond bags offeatures Spatial pyramid matching for recognizing natural scene categories


BRIEF是BinaryRobust Independent Elementary Features的简称,是近年来比较受关注的特征描述的方法。ORB也是基于BRIEF的。

[2010 ECCV] BRIEF BinaryRobust Independent Elementary Features

[2011 ICCV] ORB anefficient alternative to SIFT or SURF

[2012 PAMI] BRIEFComputing a Local Binary Descriptor Very Fast

6. Camera Calibration and StereoVision


[1979 Marr] AComputational Theory of Human Stereo Vision

[1985] Computationalvision and regularization theory

[1987 IEEE] A versatilecamera calibration technique for high-accuracy 3D machine vision metrologyusing off-the-shelf TV cameras and lenses

[1987] ProbabilisticSolution of Ill-Posed Problems in Computational Vision

[1988 PIEEE] Ill-PosedProblems in Early Vision

[1989 IJCV] KalmanFilter-based Algorithms for Estimating Depth from Image Sequences

[1990 IJCV] RelativeOrientation

[1990 IJCV] Usingvanishing points for camera calibration

[1992 ECCV] Cameraself-calibration Theory and experiments

[1992 IJCV] A theory ofself-calibration of a moving camera

[1992 PAMI] Cameracalibration with distortion models and accuracy evaluation

[1994 IJCV] TheFundamental Matrix Theory, Algorithms, and Stability Analysis

[1994 PAMI] a stereomatching algorithm with an adaptive window theory and experiment

[1999 ICCV] Flexiblecamera calibration by viewing a plane from unknown orientations

[1999 IWAR] Markertracking and hmd calibration for a video-based augmented reality conferencingsystem

[2000 PAMI] A flexible newtechnique for camera calibration

7. Color and Histogram Feature


[1995 SPIE] Similarity ofcolor images


[1996] comparing imagesusing color coherence vectors

[1997 ] Image IndexingUsing Color Correlograms

[2001 TIP] An EfficientColor Representation for Image Retrieval

[2009 CVIU] Performanceevaluation of local colour invariants

8. Deformable Part Model

大红大热的DPM,在OpenCV中有一个专门的topic讲DPM和latent svm

[2008 CVPR] ADiscriminatively Trained, Multiscale, Deformable Part Model

[2010 CVPR] Cascade ObjectDetection with Deformable Part Models

[2010 PAMI] ObjectDetection with Discriminatively Trained Part-Based Models

9. Distance Transformations


[1986 CVGIP] DistanceTransformations in Digital Images

[2008 ACM] 2D EuclideanDistance Transform Algorithms A Comparative Survey

10. Face Detection


[1998 PAMI] NeuralNetwork-Based Face Detection

[2002 PAMI] Detectingfaces in images a survey

[2002 PAMI] Face Detectionin Color Images

[2004 IJCV] RobustReal-Time Face Detection

11. Face Recognition


[1991] Face RecognitionUsing Eigenfaces

[2000 PAMI] AutomaticAnalysis of Facial Expressions The State of the Art

[2000] Face Recognition ALiterature Survey

[2006 PR] Face recognitionfrom a single image per person A survey

[2009 PAMI] Robust FaceRecognition via Sparse Representation

12. FAST


[2006 ECCV] Machinelearning for high-speed corner detection

[2010 PAMI] Faster andBetter A Machine Learning Approach to Corner Detection

13. Feature Extraction一个今天胜过两个明天



