
// Interpolates a scale-space extremum’s location and scale to subpixel// accuracy to form an image feature. Rejects features with low contrast.// Based on Section 4 of Lowe’s paper.// 特征点精确定位static bool adjustLocalExtrema( const vector<Mat>& dog_pyr, KeyPoint& kpt, int octv,int& layer, int& r, int& c, int nOctaveLayers,float contrastThreshold, float edgeThreshold, float sigma ){const float img_scale = 1.f/(255*SIFT_FIXPT_SCALE);const float deriv_scale = img_scale*0.5f;const float second_deriv_scale = img_scale;const float cross_deriv_scale = img_scale*0.25f;float xi=0, xr=0, xc=0, contr;int i = 0;//三维子像元插值for( ; i < SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS; i++ ){int idx = octv*(nOctaveLayers+2) + layer;const Mat& img = dog_pyr[idx];const Mat& prev = dog_pyr[idx-1];const Mat& next = dog_pyr[idx+1];Vec3f dD((img.at<short>(r, c+1) – img.at<short>(r, c-1))*deriv_scale,(img.at<short>(r+1, c) – img.at<short>(r-1, c))*deriv_scale,(next.at<short>(r, c) – prev.at<short>(r, c))*deriv_scale);float v2 = (float)img.at<short>(r, c)*2;float dxx = (img.at<short>(r, c+1) +img.at<short>(r, c-1) – v2)*second_deriv_scale;float dyy = (img.at<short>(r+1, c) +img.at<short>(r-1, c) – v2)*second_deriv_scale;float dss = (next.at<short>(r, c) +prev.at<short>(r, c) – v2)*second_deriv_scale;float dxy = (img.at<short>(r+1, c+1) -img.at<short>(r+1, c-1) – img.at<short>(r-1, c+1) +img.at<short>(r-1, c-1))*cross_deriv_scale;float dxs = (next.at<short>(r, c+1) -next.at<short>(r, c-1) – prev.at<short>(r, c+1) +prev.at<short>(r, c-1))*cross_deriv_scale;float dys = (next.at<short>(r+1, c) -next.at<short>(r-1, c) – prev.at<short>(r+1, c) +prev.at<short>(r-1, c))*cross_deriv_scale;Matx33f H(dxx, dxy, dxs,dxy, dyy, dys,dxs, dys, dss);Vec3f X = H.solve(dD, DECOMP_LU);xi = -X[2];xr = -X[1];xc = -X[0];if( std::abs( xi ) < 0.5f && std::abs( xr ) < 0.5f && std::abs( xc ) < 0.5f )break;//将找到的极值点对应成像素(整数)c += cvRound( xc );r += cvRound( xr );layer += cvRound( xi );if( layer < 1 || layer > nOctaveLayers ||c < SIFT_IMG_BORDER || c >= img.cols – SIFT_IMG_BORDER ||r < SIFT_IMG_BORDER || r >= img.rows – SIFT_IMG_BORDER )return false;}/* ensure convergence of interpolation */// SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS:插值最大步数,避免插值不收敛,程序中默认为5if( i >= SIFT_MAX_INTERP_STEPS )return false;{int idx = octv*(nOctaveLayers+2) + layer;const Mat& img = dog_pyr[idx];const Mat& prev = dog_pyr[idx-1];const Mat& next = dog_pyr[idx+1];Matx31f dD((img.at<short>(r, c+1) – img.at<short>(r, c-1))*deriv_scale,(img.at<short>(r+1, c) – img.at<short>(r-1, c))*deriv_scale,(next.at<short>(r, c) – prev.at<short>(r, c))*deriv_scale);float t = dD.dot(Matx31f(xc, xr, xi));contr = img.at<short>(r, c)*img_scale + t * 0.5f;if( std::abs( contr ) * nOctaveLayers < contrastThreshold )return false;/* principal curvatures are computed using the trace and det of Hessian *///利用Hessian矩阵的迹和行列式计算主曲率的比值float v2 = img.at<short>(r, c)*2.f;float dxx = (img.at<short>(r, c+1) +img.at<short>(r, c-1) – v2)*second_deriv_scale;float dyy = (img.at<short>(r+1, c) +img.at<short>(r-1, c) – v2)*second_deriv_scale;float dxy = (img.at<short>(r+1, c+1) -img.at<short>(r+1, c-1) – img.at<short>(r-1, c+1) +img.at<short>(r-1, c-1)) * cross_deriv_scale;float tr = dxx + dyy;float det = dxx * dyy – dxy * dxy;//这里edgeThreshold可以在调用SIFT()时输入;//其实代码中定义了 static const float SIFT_CURV_THR = 10.f 可以直接使用if( det <= 0 || tr*tr*edgeThreshold >= (edgeThreshold + 1)*(edgeThreshold + 1)*det )return false;}kpt.pt.x = (c + xc) * (1 << octv);kpt.pt.y = (r + xr) * (1 << octv);kpt.octave = octv + (layer << 8) + (cvRound((xi + 0.5)*255) << 16);kpt.size = sigma*powf(2.f, (layer + xi) / nOctaveLayers)*(1 << octv)*2;return true;}




