图形性能优化:批量draw call

Unity官方文档之“图形性能优化-批量draw call”的翻译,E文链接。Draw Call Batching 批量Draw Call

To draw an object on the screen, the engine has to issue a draw call to the graphics API (e.g. OpenGL or Direct3D). Draw calls are often seen as expensive, with the graphics API doing significant work for every draw call, causing performance overhead on the CPU side. However this is not the case. The expensive part is the changing of the resources accessed by the GPU between the draw calls as it triggers a graphics driver validation each time. The emphasis should be on reducing the batch count, rather than the draw call count.

为了在屏幕上绘制一个物体,,引擎需要发一个draw call给图形API(比如OpenGL或Direct3D)。对每个draw call,图形API要做可观的工作,所以通常认为draw call开销大,它消耗CPU性能。然而,这还不是关键,开销大的地方是draw call之间GPU变换访问资源,因为每个draw call都要触发一次图形驱动程序工作。降低批量数比draw call数更重要。

Unity uses static batching to address this. The goal of the static batching is to regroup as many meshes in less buffers to get better performance, rendering giant meshes instead of a lot of small meshes which is inefficient. Unity will only loop on the same resources to render different ranges of these resources. Effectively it executes a series of fast draw calls for each staticcally batched mesh.


Built-in batching support in Unity has significant benefit over simply combining geometry in the modeling tool (or using theCombineChildrenscript from the Standard Assets package). In Unity 5.0, there is only one build of the index buffer on start and then a draw call is submitted for each sub mesh of that big mesh for each visible sub mesh.

Unity支持的内置批量处理,比在建模工具中(或使用Standard Assets包中的CombineChildren脚本)简单的合并几何,有更好的效果。Unity 5.0中,开始时只构建一个索引缓存,然后针对大网格的所有可视子网格提交一次绘制调用。

Materials 材质

Only objects sharing the same material can be batched together. Therefore, if you want to achieve good batching, you need to share as many materials among different objects as possible.


If you have two identical materials which differ only in textures, you can combine those textures into a single big texture – a process often calledtexture atlasing. Once textures are in the same atlas, you can use a single material instead.


If you need to access shared material properties from the scripts, then it is important to note that modifyingRenderer.materialwill create a copy of the material. Instead, you should useRenderer.sharedMaterialto keep material shared.


Dynamic Batching 动态批量

Unity can automatically batch moving objects into the same draw call if they share the same material and fulfill other criteria. Dynamic batching is done automatically and does not require any additional effort on your side.

Unity可以自动批量处理移动的物体到相同draw call,如果他们共享相同的材质并且遵守其它标准。动态批处理是自动完成的,你不需要做任何事。


Batching dynamic objects has certain overheadper vertex, so batching is applied only to meshes containing less than900vertex attributes in total.批处理动态物体在每个顶点有一定开销,所以批处理只对总共包含小于900个顶点的网格进行。If your shader is using Vertex Position, Normal and single UV, then you can batch up to 300 verts; whereas if your shader is using Vertex Position, Normal, UV0, UV1 and Tangent, then only 180 verts.Please note: attribute count limit might be changed in future如果你的着色器使用顶点位置、法线和UV值,那么最多可以批处理300个顶点;如果你的着色器使用了顶点位置、法线、UV0、UV1和切线,那么只能处理180个顶点。请注意:属性的数量限制将来可能变化。Generally, objects should be using the same transform scale.一般的,物体应该使用相同的缩放。The exception is non-uniform scaled objects; if several objects all have different non-uniform scale then they can still be batched.例外是非统一缩放的物体:如果几个物体用不同的非统一缩放,那么它们可以批处理。【译注:这里的意思是,如果一个缩放(1,1,1)的物体和一个缩放(2,2,2)的物体不可以批处理;但是,缩放(1,2,1)的物体和缩放(1,3,1)的物体可以批处理】Using different material instances – even if they are essentially the same – will make objects not batched together.Objects with lightmaps have additional renderer parameter: lightmap index and offset/scale into the lightmap. So generally dynamic lightmapped objects should point to exactly the same lightmap location to be batched.Multi-pass shaders will break batching. Almost all unity shaders supports several lights in forward rendering, effectively doing additional pass for them. The draw calls for “additional per-pixel lights” will not be batched.Objects that receive real-time shadows will not be batched.使用不同材质的实例,即使他们本质上是相同的,但是物体不批处理到一起。含有lightmaps的物体有附加的渲染参数:lightmap索引和偏移/缩放,所以,一般来说,为了批处理动态lightmap的物体,应该严格的指向相同的lightmap部位。多通道着色器会破坏批处理,几乎所有unity着色器在前向渲染时都支持几个灯光,并且为它们添加高效的附加通道。“附加的逐像素灯光”的draw call不会被批处理。接受实时阴影的物体也不会被批处理。Static Batching 静态批处理即使是不成熟的尝试,也胜于胎死腹中的策略。

图形性能优化:批量draw call


