Leetcode: Linked List Cycle II

题目: Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null.

思路分析: 和《Leetcode: Linked List Cycle 》一样还是双指针的方法。

一个循环链表如图 slow指针走了S=X+Y fast指针走了F=X+Y+Z+Y 两个指针相遇。 且有:2S=F,则有X=Z。 所以,从head到环开始的路程 = 从相遇到环开始的路程。 所以,当slow和fast相遇了,我们拿slow从头开始走,fast从相遇的地方开始走,两个都走一步,那么再次相遇必定是环的开始节点。


/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { *int val; *ListNode *next; *ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} * }; */class Solution{public:ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head){if (!head) return nullptr;ListNode *slow = head;ListNode *fast = head;bool hasCycle = false;while (fast && fast->next){slow = slow->next;fast = fast->next->next;if (slow == fast){hasCycle = true;break;}}if (hasCycle){slow = head;while (slow != fast){slow = slow->next;fast = fast->next;}return slow;}else return nullptr;}};


/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * public class ListNode { *public int val; *public ListNode next; *public ListNode(int x) { *val = x; *next = null; *} * } */{public ListNode DetectCycle(ListNode head){if (head == null) return null;ListNode slow = head;ListNode fast = head;bool hasCycle = false;while (fast != null && fast.next != null){slow = slow.next;fast = fast.next.next;if (slow == fast){hasCycle = true;break;}}if (hasCycle){slow = head;while (slow != fast){slow = slow.next;fast = fast.next;}return slow;};}}


Leetcode: Linked List Cycle II


