
<span style="font-size:14px;">private void processHangupCall() {if (DBG) log("try to processHangupCall");if (isVirtualCallInProgress()) {terminateScoUsingVirtualVoiceCall();} else {if (mPhoneProxy != null) {try {mPhoneProxy.hangupCall();} catch (RemoteException e) {Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(new Throwable()));}} else {Log.e(TAG, "Handsfree phone proxy null for hanging up call");}}}</span>


private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection() {public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) {if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Proxy object connected");mPhoneProxy = IBluetoothHeadsetPhone.Stub.asInterface(service);}public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) {if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Proxy object disconnected");mPhoneProxy = null;}};



static boolean hangup(CallManager cm) {boolean hungup = false;Call ringing = cm.getFirstActiveRingingCall();Call fg = cm.getActiveFgCall();Call bg = cm.getFirstActiveBgCall();if (!ringing.isIdle()) {log("hangup(): hanging up ringing call");hungup = hangupRingingCall(ringing);} else if (!fg.isIdle()) {log("hangup(): hanging up foreground call");hungup = hangup(fg);} else if (!bg.isIdle()) {log("hangup(): hanging up background call");hungup = hangup(bg);} else {// No call to hang up! This is unlikely in normal usage,// since the UI shouldn't be providing an "End call" button in// the first place. (But it *can* happen, rarely, if an// active call happens to disconnect on its own right when the// user is trying to hang up..)log("hangup(): no active call to hang up");}if (DBG) log("==> hungup = " + hungup);return hungup;}static boolean hangup(Call call) {        try {            CallManager cm = getCallManager();            if (call.getState() == Call.State.ACTIVE && cm.hasActiveBgCall()) {                // handle foreground call hangup while there is background call                log("- hangup(Call): hangupForegroundResumeBackground…");                cm.hangupForegroundResumeBackground(cm.getFirstActiveBgCall());            } else {                log("- hangup(Call): regular hangup()…");                call.hangup();            }            return true;        } catch (CallStateException ex) {            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Call hangup: caught " + ex, ex);        }        return false;    } public boolean hangupCall() {enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(MODIFY_PHONE_STATE, null);if (mCM.hasActiveFgCall()) {return PhoneUtils.hangupActiveCall(mCM.getActiveFgCall());} else if (mCM.hasActiveRingingCall()) {return PhoneUtils.hangupRingingCall(mCM.getFirstActiveRingingCall());} else if (mCM.hasActiveBgCall()) {return PhoneUtils.hangupHoldingCall(mCM.getFirstActiveBgCall());}



private void sendClccResponseCdma(int index, Connection connection) {int state;PhoneGlobals app = PhoneGlobals.getInstance();CdmaPhoneCallState.PhoneCallState currCdmaCallState =app.cdmaPhoneCallState.getCurrentCallState();CdmaPhoneCallState.PhoneCallState prevCdmaCallState =app.cdmaPhoneCallState.getPreviousCallState();if ((prevCdmaCallState == CdmaPhoneCallState.PhoneCallState.THRWAY_ACTIVE)&& (currCdmaCallState == CdmaPhoneCallState.PhoneCallState.CONF_CALL)) {// If the current state is reached after merging two calls// we set the state of all the connections as ACTIVEstate = CALL_STATE_ACTIVE;} else {Call.State callState = connection.getState();switch (callState) {case ACTIVE:// For CDMA since both the connections are set as active by FW after accepting// a Call waiting or making a 3 way call, we need to set the state specifically// to ACTIVE/HOLDING based on the mCdmaIsSecondCallActive flag. This way the// CLCC result will allow BT devices to enable the swap or merge optionsif (index == 0) { // For the 1st active connectionstate = mCdmaIsSecondCallActive ? CALL_STATE_HELD : CALL_STATE_ACTIVE;} else { // for the 2nd active connectionstate = mCdmaIsSecondCallActive ? CALL_STATE_ACTIVE : CALL_STATE_HELD;}break;case HOLDING:state = CALL_STATE_HELD;break;case DIALING:state = CALL_STATE_DIALING;break;case ALERTING:state = CALL_STATE_ALERTING;break;case INCOMING:state = CALL_STATE_INCOMING;break;case WAITING:state = CALL_STATE_WAITING;break;default:Log.e(TAG, "bad call state: " + callState);return;}}boolean mpty = false;if (currCdmaCallState == CdmaPhoneCallState.PhoneCallState.CONF_CALL) {if (prevCdmaCallState == CdmaPhoneCallState.PhoneCallState.THRWAY_ACTIVE) {// If the current state is reached after merging two calls// we set the multiparty call true.mpty = true;} // else// CALL_CONF state is not from merging two calls, but from// accepting the second call. In this case first will be on// hold in most cases but in some cases its already merged.// However, we will follow the common case and the test case// as per Bluetooth SIG PTS}int direction = connection.isIncoming() ? 1 : 0;String number = connection.getAddress();int type = -1;if (number != null) {type = PhoneNumberUtils.toaFromString(number);} else {number = "";}mBluetoothHeadset.clccResponse(index + 1, direction, state, 0, mpty, number, type);}或者static int convertCallState(Call.State callState) {switch (callState) {case IDLE:case DISCONNECTED:case DISCONNECTING:return CALL_STATE_IDLE;case ACTIVE:return CALL_STATE_ACTIVE;case HOLDING:return CALL_STATE_HELD;case DIALING:return CALL_STATE_DIALING;case ALERTING:return CALL_STATE_ALERTING;case INCOMING:return CALL_STATE_INCOMING;case WAITING:return CALL_STATE_WAITING;default:Log.e(TAG, "bad call state: " + callState);return CALL_STATE_IDLE;}}以上两段代码都是针对这个Call.State callState = connection.getState();switch (callState) {


sendClccResponseCdma(i, clccConnections[i]);这个clccConnections[i]的来源是

Connection[] clccConnections = new Connection[CDMA_MAX_CONNECTIONS];// indexed by CLCC index这个Connection的class在framework里


clccConnections[0] = foregroundCall.getLatestConnection();继续找初始化

Call foregroundCall = mCM.getActiveFgCall();private CallManager mCM; mCM = CallManager.getInstance();在eclipse中无法导入callmanager的包,这个才是大问题




