【VR】Leap Motion 官网文档 Unity资源与插件

Troubleshooting 常见问题处理

If you do not see hands after adding the HandController prefab to a scene and pressing play, check the following:

如果在往场景中添加了 HandController 预设体,并运行之后不能看到手模型,那么需要检查以下项目:

The hands are within the scene camera’s field of view, not obscured by another 3D object, and are large enough to be visible. The 3D hands appear above the location of the HandController prefab.Check that the Leap Motion icon in the task bar is green. If it has gone dark, the service isn’t sending out data. In this case, double check that the Leap Motion hardware is plugged in and check that the service is running.检查任务栏中的Leap Motion 图标是否是绿色状态。如果颜色变暗,服务将不会发送数据。在这种情况下,双击图标确认Leap Motion硬件是否被插入,,服务是否在运行中。Open the Leap Motion Visualizer from the task bar icon menu. If you see hands in the Visualizer, the problem is most likely within the Unity plugin, scripts, or your own application. If there are no hands in the Visualizer, the problem is outside Unity.点击任务栏图标,打开Leap Motion 观察器。如果在观察器重能够看到手模型,说明问题很可能出现在Unity插件,脚本以及Unity应用程序里。如果观察器中没有看到说,则说明不是Unity方面的问题。


【VR】Leap Motion 官网文档 Unity资源与插件


