libpsd v1.0 release (load/save psdfile)

libpsd.dll is based on libpsd0.9 version to add psd save func. run-time lib is:MultiThread DLL, release version. libpsd.dll is using big-endian mode. code using ANSI C to belifit porting work.function list:1. load/save psd/bmp/jpeg/png file.2. New psd file, new/create psd layer.3. layer direction/brightness/contrast adjust.4. layer zoom. 5. psd2png, psd2jpg,psd2bmp.version release note:2011-1-23,add log message under currnet directory.2010-11-16,add a new func:DLLEXPORT int GetImgFileSize(char *fImgName,unsigned short *pusWidth,unsigned short *pusHeight) modify a func: DLLEXPORT int PsdCreateLayer(psd_handle fHandle, char *fPngName ,unsigned int PosX,unsigned int PosY, unsigned int lwidth, unsigned int lheight ,unsigned char ucLayerIndex,unsigned char Transpancy)2010-11-15,add more exception handle to prevent crash.2010-11-8, add func: DLLAPI int PsdPreview(psd_handle fHandle,char *fBmpFile);2010-10-29,,fix bug:contrast/brightess adjust will damage the layer image data.2010-9-15, new features: add psd2jpg(),psd2bmp(). add int PsdCreateLayer(psd_handle fHandle, char *fPngName / ,int PosX,int PosY, int lwidth, int lheight / ,unsigned char ucLayerIndex,unsigned char Transpancy);2010-9-05, fix bug:psdload can not add a new layer. fix bug:memory leakage.2010-9-02, fix bug:malloc memory not clear to zero.—————————————————freeman, create on 2010-9-5.


libpsd v1.0 release (load/save psdfile)


