开源项目Universal Image Loader for Android 说明文档 (2)

As you already know, you first need to initialize the ImageLoader using the configuration object. As the ImageLoader is a singleton, then it should be initialized only once for application launching. I would recommend doing it in an overloadedApplication.onCreate().A reinitializing of an already initialized ImageLoader will have no effect.

So, we create a configuration, it is an object of theImageLoaderConfigurationclass. We create it using theBuilder:


File cacheDir = StorageUtils.getCacheDirectory(context,


ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new







.threadPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY + 3)


.memoryCache(new UsingFreqLimitedCache(2000000)) // You can pass your own memory cache implementation

.discCache(new UnlimitedDiscCache(cacheDir)) // You can pass your own disc cache implementation



Let’s consider each option:


maxImageWidthForMemoryCache()andmaxImageHeightForMemoryCache()is used for decoding images into Bitmap objects. In order not to store a full-sized image in the memory, it is reduced to a size determined from the values of ImageView parameters, where the image is loaded:maxWidthandmaxHeight(first stage),layout_widthandlayout_height(second stage). If these parameters are not defined (valuesfill_parentandwrap_contentare considered as uncertain), then dimensions specified by settingsmaxImageWidthForMemoryCache()andmaxImageHeightForMemoryCache()are taken. The size of the original image is reduced by 2 times (recommended for fast decoding), till the width or height becomes less than the specified values;


o Default values – size of the device’s screen.

o 默认值- 设备屏幕的尺寸

httpConnectTimeout()sets the maximum waiting time (in milliseconds) for establishing an HTTP connection;


o Default value – 5 seconds

o 默认值 – 5秒

httpReadTimeout()sets the maximum time (in milliseconds) for loading an image from the Web;


o Default value – 30 seconds

o 默认值 – 30秒

threadPoolSize()sets size of the thread pool. Each task on image loading and displaying is performed in a separate thread, and those threads, in which the image uploading from the Web occurs, get to the pool. Thus, the pool size determines the number of threads running simultaneously. Setting of a large pool size can significantly reduce the speed of the UI, for example, list scrolling could slow down.


o Default value – 5

o 默认值 – 5

threadPriority()sets priority of all threads in the system (from 1 to 10), in which tasks are performed;

设置当前线程的优先级(1 — 10)

oDefault value – 4

o 默认值 – 4

callingdenyCacheImageMultipleSizesInMemory()imposes a ban on storing different sizes of the same image in the memory. As full-size images are stored in the disk cache, and when loading into memory, they are reduced to the size of ImageView, in which they should be displayed, then there are cases when the same image has to be displayed first in a small view, and then in a big one. At the same time, two Bitmaps of different sizes representing the same image will be stored in the memory. This is the default behavior.


开源项目Universal Image Loader for Android 说明文档 (2)


