
190. Genymotion Crash after a few minutes

E/eglCodecCommon(2163): writeFully: failed: Broken pipe

It’s not really caused by your application, so don’t worry.It often happens when you computer goes in sleep mode and when you come back Genymotion will throw this exception (it happens to me very often).In your specific case sounds like the device goes in sleep mode so a way to fix it is simply to enable “Always stay awake” in developers options.192. A WebView method was called on thread ‘Timer-1’. All WebView methods must be called on the UI thread. Future versions of WebView may not support use on other threads.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Timer was canceled at java.util.Timer.scheduleImpl( at java.util.Timer.schedule( at com.jetsun.hbfc.activity.base.CommonWebViewActivity$3.onPageStarted(

Webview reload page get force close

Change your TimerTask to the following:

new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { wvNovaMenzaCammera.reload(); } }); } }



194. Fragment的通信有关问题, 新建Fragment为何不要在构造方法中传递参数195.Add a new file in Intellij doesn’t add to subversionGo to File -> Settings -> Version control -> Confirmation -> When files are created You’re probably looking for “Add silently”.196.使用Android Studio的lint清除无用的资源文件 197. Android应用程序release打签名包时,出现错误:”XXX” is not translated in “af” (Afrikaans), “am” (Amharic), “ar” (Arabic)…..



// This is important, it will run lint checks but won’t abort build lintOptions {abortOnError false }if abortOnError false will not resolve your problem, you can try this.lintOptions {checkReleaseBuilds false}198.

全面提高Ubuntu Linux操作系统运行速度

1.六招让你的Ubuntu马上提速 Where did the startup-applications-preferences program go? ubuntu satartup applications preferenceThe if you can’t find the program anywhere, try running gnome-session-properties from the command line (or alt+f2).If it’s not installed, I’m sure you can install the package gnome-session-properties.2. 将localhost化名为主机名据说这个方法可以改善使用Ubuntu一段后,在GNOME中启动应用程序变慢的问题# vi /etc/hosts127.0.0.1 localhost127.0.1.1 Ubuntu===> localhost Ubuntu127.0.1.1 Ubuntu注:在第一行末尾加上主机名,也就是第二行的那个名字。3.安装preload可以把一些常用到的lib库和应用程序预加载到内存,以提高程序的启动速度# apt-get install preload199.volley由于网络访问比较慢,导致访问两次的现象 ? 200.当你想让一个高度值不足scrollview的子控件fillparent的时候,单独的定义 android:layout_height=”fill_parent”是不起作用的,必须加上fillviewport属性,当子控件的高度值大于 scrollview的高度时,这个标签就没有任何意义了。201.activity FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT 无法startActivity 202. Genymotion模拟器运行项目 jPush报错jpush Couldn’t load jpush: findLibrary returned null

at Source)

203.androidstudio检查更新。Android Studio支持自动检查更新。之前尚未发布正式版时,一周有时会有几次更新。你可以设置检查的类型,用以控制更新类型。Settings –> Updates 。勾选 Check for updates in channel ,即开通了自动检查更新。你可以禁用自动检查更新。右侧的列表,是更新通道。Stable Channel : 正式版本通道,只会获取最新的正式版本。Beta Channel : 测试版本通道,只会获取最新的测试版本。Dev Channel : 开发发布通道,只会获取最新的开发版本。Canary Channel : 预览发布通道,只会获取最新的预览版本。rc release candidates

以上4个通道中, Stable Channel 最稳定,,问题相对较少, Canary Channel 能获得最新版本,问题相对较多。

204.AndroidのActivity之Listview组件快速拖动 android:fastScrollEnabled=”true” android:focusable=”true”205. Lint: How to ignore “ is not translated in ” errors?

To ignore this in a gradle build add this to the android section of your build file:

lintOptions { disable ‘MissingTranslation’ }

Authentication Error errorcode: 201 uid: -1 appid -1 msg: APP被用户自己禁用

ubuntu apktool 2.0 Exception in thread “main” brut.androlib.err.UndefinedResObject

keytool -list -keystore SportsApp.keystore

206.Exception in thread “main” brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not decode arsc fileat brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode( brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResPackagesFromApk( brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.loadMainPkg( brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResTable( brut.androlib.Androlib.getResTable( brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.getResTable( brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode( brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode( brut.apktool.Main.main(而在于当时的那份心情。可是旅行的彼时那刻我的心情一直是好的吗?



