LeetCode Invert Binary Tree

Invert a binary tree.

4 / \ 27 / \ / \1 3 6 9to4 / \ 72 / \ / \9 6 3 1

Google: 90% of our engineers use the software you wrote (Homebrew), but you can’t invert a binary tree on a whiteboard so fuck off.

思路分析:这是最近比较火的一个题目,因为一条推特的转播“Google HR:我们90%的工程师都用你写的软件,但是你竟然不会在白板上面反转一颗二叉树,所以滚吧”,各方看法不一,,但看这个题目,的确是一个很简单的题目。考察最基本的递归和树操作。下面给出了递归实现和借助栈的迭代实现(非递归实现)。后一个版本的可扩展性更好,可以处理更大的树。实在是容易题,就是DFS遍历一遍树节点,把每个树节点的左右孩子互换就可以了。或许是那个ios开发牛人不屑于准备就去Google面试,结果被爆,与其说是能力问题,不如说是态度问题。

AC Code

/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { *int val; *TreeNode left; *TreeNode right; *TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */public class Solution {public TreeNode invertTree(TreeNode tn){/*if(tn == null) return null;TreeNode temp = tn.left;tn.left = tn.right;tn.right = temp;invertTree(tn.left);invertTree(tn.right);return tn;*///0719if(tn == null) return null;Stack<TreeNode> tnStack = new Stack<TreeNode>();tnStack.push(tn);while(!tnStack.isEmpty()){TreeNode cur = tnStack.pop();TreeNode temp = cur.left;cur.left = cur.right;cur.right = temp;if(cur.left != null) tnStack.push(cur.left);if(cur.right != null) tnStack.push(cur.right);}return tn;//0726}}


LeetCode Invert Binary Tree


