
Attributes属性属于U3D的RunTimeClass,所以加上以下的命名空间是必须的了。其它倒没什么需要注意的。本文将所有运行属性过一遍罢了。 想看更详细的点这里 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;

1. [AddComponentMenu] 添加组件菜单


[AddComponentMenu(“MyPhysic/PhysicType”)] public class PhysicType: MonoBehaviour { }

2. [ContextMenu] 上下文菜单


public class Attributes : MonoBehaviour { [ContextMenu(“Hello World!”)] void HelloWorld() { Debug.Log(“Hello World!”); } } Unity3d中的属性(Attributes)整理

3. ExecuteInEditMode 在Editor模式下运行


a-“Update()” is only called when something in the scene changed.** b- “OnGUI()” is called when the Game View recieves an Event. c- “OnRenderObject()” and the other rendering callback functions are called on every repaint of the Scene View or Game View.

[ExecuteInEditMode] public class ExecuteInEditModeTest: MonoBehaviour{ private Vector3 vec_Rotation = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f); //Rotate all the time void OnRenderObject() { transform.Rotate(vec_Rotation); } }

4. HideInInspector 在检视面板中隐藏

public class HideInspectorTest : MonoBehaviour { [HideInInspector] public Transform m_Target; void Start() { m_Target = GameObject.Find(“test”).transform; } }

5. RequireComponent 必须要有相应的组建

加入一个组建之前必须存在另一个相应的组建,,若没有则自动创建。这个在项目中非常有必要用到,尤其是项目人员比较多的时候(大于三四个)。 [RequireComponent (typeof (Rigidbody))] public class RequireComponentTest : MonoBehaviour { void FixedUpdate() { rigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.up); } }

6. NonSerialized 不被序列化

不被序列化该变量,且不显示在检视面板中。 public class Test { [System.NonSerialized] public int i_Helloword = 5; }

7. Serializable 可序列化

这个属性可以让子类(继承类)的变量属性显示在检视面板中,也能序列化它。(JS的话完全不需要这个属性。) //SerializableTest.cs [System.Serializable] public class SerializableTest { public int p = 5; public Color c = Color.white; } //SerializableTest2.cs public class SerializableTest2 : MonoBehaviour { public SerializableTest test; }

8. SerializeField 序列化域(强制序列化)



ImageEffectOpaque 不透明图像效果优先 *Any Image Effect with this attribute will be rendered after opaque geometry but before transparent geometry. This allows for effects which extensively use the depth buffer (SSAO ect) to only affect opaque pixels. This Attribute can be used to reduce the amount of visual artifacts in a scene with post processing.* 没用过这玩意,不过应该很少用得到,优化加速渲染。

ImageEffectTransformsToLDR 也没用过这玩意,LDR应该是某种加载方式。高动态光照渲染(High-Dynamic Range,简称HDR)。 *When using HDR rendering it can sometime be desirable to switch to LDR rendering during ImageEffect rendering. Using this Attribute on an image effect will cause the destination buffer to be an LDR buffer, and switch the rest of the Image Effect pipeline into LDR mode. It is the responsibility of the Image Effect that this Attribute is associated to ensure that the output is in the LDR range.*

NotConvertedAttribute 不转换属性 我觉得这个应该是没有人用的……打包资源的时候,不将成员或类型转换到相应平台,不是很理解这是干嘛的。 Instructs the build pipeline not to convert a type or member to the target platform.

NotFlashValidatedAttribute 不允许转换到FLASH平台 又是个没人用的东西吧? Instructs the build pipeline not to try and validate a type or member for the flash platform.

NotRenamedAttribute 不允许属性更名 ……

PropertyAttribute 财产属性?搞不懂 也不知道用来做啥的。





