Nico Number(素数筛+线段树)

Nico NumberTime Limit:2 Seconds Memory Limit:262144 KB

Kousaka HonokaandMinami Kotoriare playing a game about a secret ofYazawa Nico.

When the game starts,Kousaka Honokawill giveMinami Kotorian arrayAofNnon-negative integers. There is a special kind of number in the array, which is calledNicoNico-number. We call a integerxis aNicoNico-number, if all integers(no more thanx) that is coprime withxcould form an Arithmetic Sequence.ThenMinami Kotoriwill choose some consecutive part of the arrayA, wondering the number ofNicoNico-numberin this part. What’s more,Kousaka Honokasometimes modify the value of some consecutive elements in the array. Now it is your task to simulate this game!Input

There are multiple test cases in input, you should process to the end of file.

For each case, the first line is an integerN, the number of elements in the array described above. Then second line containsNintegers no greater than 107, the elements of the array initially.(1 <= N <= 100,000)

The third line is a integerT, the number of the operations of the game. Each line of the followingTlines is in one of the following formats.(1 <= T <= 100,000)

"1 L R" :Minami Kotoriwill chooses the consecutive part of the array from theLth toRth element inclusive. (1 <=L <= R<= N)

"2 L R v" :Kousaka Honokawill change the value of thepth elementA[p]in the array toA[p]%vfor allL <= p <= R.(1 <= L <= R <= N, 1 <= v <= 107)

"3 p x" :Kousaka Honokawill change the value of thepth elementA[p]tox.(1 <= p <= N, 1 <= x <= 107)


Each time whenMinami Kotorichooses some part of the array, you should output a line, the number ofNicoNico-numberin that part.

Sample Input34 6 961 1 31 3 32 1 1 101 1 33 2 41 1 3Sample Output2022Hint

4 is aNicoNico-numberbecause only 1 and 3 is coprime with 4 among the integers no greater than 4, and could form an Arithmetic Sequence {1,3}.


1 l r 问在[l,r]内有多少个NicoNico-number数

2 l r v 对于[l,r]内的数全部对v取余

3 k x 将第k个数换为x







#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <queue>#include <set>#include <vector>#include <cmath>#include <map>#include <stack>#include <algorithm>using namespace std ;#define LL __int64#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f#define PI acos(-1.0)#define root 1,n,1#define int_rt int l,int r,int rt#define lson l,(l+r)/2,rt<<1#define rson (l+r)/2+1,r,rt<<1|1const int mod = 1e9+7 ;const double eqs = 1e-9 ;int cl[400000] , num[400000] ;int a[10000005] , check[10000005] ;int tot ;void init() {memset(check,-1,sizeof(check)) ;tot = 0 ;for(int i = 2 ; i <= 10000000 ; i++) {if( check[i] == -1 ){a[tot++] = i ;check[i] = 1 ;}for(int j = 0 ; j < tot ; j++) {if( i*a[j] >= 10000000 ) break ;check[i*a[j]] = 0 ;if( i%a[j] == 0 ) break ;}}check[0] = check[1] = check[6] = 1 ;for(int i = 2 ; i <= 10000000 ; i *= 2)check[i] = 1 ;}void push_up(int rt) {cl[rt] = max(cl[rt<<1],cl[rt<<1|1]) ;num[rt] = num[rt<<1]+num[rt<<1|1] ;}void create(int_rt) {cl[rt] = num[rt] = 0 ;if( l == r ) {scanf("%d", &cl[rt]) ;if( check[ cl[rt] ] == 1 ) num[rt] = 1 ;return ;}create(lson) ;create(rson) ;push_up(rt) ;}void update1(int ll,int rr,int v,int_rt) {if( ll > r || rr < l ) return ;if( cl[rt] < v ) return ;if( l == r ) {cl[rt] %= v ;if( check[ cl[rt] ] == 1 ) num[rt] = 1 ;else num[rt] = 0 ;return ;}update1(ll,rr,v,lson) ;update1(ll,rr,v,rson) ;push_up(rt) ;}void update2(int k,int x,int_rt) {if( l == r && l == k ) {cl[rt] = x ;if( check[ cl[rt] ] == 1 ) num[rt] = 1 ;else num[rt] = 0 ;return ;}int mid = (l+r)/2 ;if(k <= mid) update2(k,x,lson) ;else update2(k,x,rson) ;push_up(rt) ;}int query(int ll,int rr,int_rt) {if( ll > r || rr < l ) return 0 ;if( ll <= l && rr >= r ) return num[rt] ;return query(ll,rr,lson) + query(ll,rr,rson) ;}int main() {int n , m , i , k , l , r , v , x ;init() ;while( scanf("%d", &n) !=EOF ) {create(root) ;scanf("%d", &m) ;while( m– ) {scanf("%d", &k) ;if( k == 1 ) {scanf("%d %d", &l, &r) ;printf("%d\n", query(l,r,root)) ;}else if( k == 2 ) {scanf("%d %d %d", &l, &r, &v) ;update1(l,r,v,root) ;}else {scanf("%d %d", &i, &x) ;update2(i,x,root) ;}}}return 0 ;}



Nico Number(素数筛+线段树)


