



首先说下结论: 1.AlertDialog和ProgressDialog默认可以和系统软键盘并存与同意屏幕(其实质是并存于同一个window窗口,具体下面会解释) 2.Dialog以及用户自定义的继承自Dialog的弹出框默认不可以和软键盘并存与同一屏幕 如果Dialog对象或者自定义弹出框想要和软键盘共存与同一屏幕,可以进行如下设置: 2.1Dialog对象设置

Dialog di = new Dialog(MainActivity.this);di.setTitle(“test test”);di.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM,WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM);


{…}loadDialog = new LoadingDialog(this, R.style.dialog);loadDialog.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM,WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM);

结论分析: 解析思路预览: 1. Activity是什么?Dialog是什么?软键盘的实质是什么?他们三个和Window窗口的关系是什么? 2. Dialog和软键盘的关系是什么? 3. 是谁控制Dialog和软键盘的显示的?怎么控制? 4. 得出结论:如何让Dialog和软键盘并存?

1.1先从我们最熟悉的Activity说起: 源码中Acitvity的部分注释如下:/** * An activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do. Almost all * activities interact with the user, so the Activity class takes care of * creating a window for you in which you can place your UI with * {@link #setContentView}. While activities are often presented to the user * as full-screen windows, they can also be used in other ways: as floating * windows (via a theme with {@link android.R.attr#windowIsFloating} set) * or embedded inside of another activity (using {@link ActivityGroup}). *…… */ .Factory2,Window.Callback, KeyEvent.Callback,OnCreateContextMenuListener, ComponentCallbacks2 {…}



/** <p>Often you will want to have a Dialog display on top of the current * input method, because there is no reason for it to accept text. You can * do this by setting the {@link WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM * WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM} window flag (assuming * your Dialog takes input focus, as it the default) with the following code: */ , Window.Callback,KeyEvent.Callback, OnCreateContextMenuListener {…/*** Create a Dialog window that uses the default dialog frame style.** @param context The Context the Dialog is to run it. In particular, it*uses the window manager and theme in this context to*present its UI.*/public Dialog(Context context) {this(context, 0, true);}/*** Create a Dialog window that uses a custom dialog style.** @param context The Context in which the Dialog should run. In particular, it*uses the window manager and theme from this context to*present its UI.* @param theme A style resource describing the theme to use for the* window. See <a href=”{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/available-resources.html#stylesandthemes”>Style* and Theme Resources</a> for more information about defining and using* styles. This theme is applied on top of the current theme in* <var>context</var>. If 0, the default dialog theme will be used.*/public Dialog(Context context, int theme) {this(context, theme, true);}Dialog(Context context, int theme, boolean createContextWrapper) {if (theme == 0) {TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue();context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(com.android.internal.R.attr.dialogTheme,outValue, true);theme = outValue.resourceId;}mContext = createContextWrapper ? new ContextThemeWrapper(context, theme) : context;mWindowManager = (WindowManager)context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);Window w = PolicyManager.makeNewWindow(mContext);mWindow = w;w.setCallback(this);w.setWindowManager(mWindowManager, null, null);w.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER);mListenersHandler = new ListenersHandler(this);}…/*** Set the screen content to an explicit view. This view is placed* directly into the screen’s view hierarchy. It can itself be a complex* view hierarhcy.** @param view The desired content to display.*/(View view) {mWindow.setContentView(view);}…}而有的旅行是释放负面情绪,换个心情,轻装上阵。



