oracle between and 边界问题

oracle between and 边界问题


–创建一个表create table test_hsj(id int primary key,num varchar2(12),regDate date)select * from test_hsj;–插入测试数据insert into test_hsj values(1,'1', to_date('2015-05-01','yyyy-MM-dd'))insert into test_hsj values(2,'2', to_date('2015-06-01','yyyy-MM-dd'))insert into test_hsj values(3,'3', to_date('2015-05-11','yyyy-MM-dd'))insert into test_hsj values(4,'4', to_date('2015-05-01','yyyy-MM-dd'))insert into test_hsj values(5,'5', to_date('2015-06-21','yyyy-MM-dd'))insert into test_hsj values(6,'6', to_date('2015-06-11','yyyy-MM-dd'))insert into test_hsj values(7,'7', to_date('2016-06-11','yyyy-MM-dd'))insert into test_hsj values(8,'8', to_date('2014-04-01','yyyy-MM-dd'))–查询验证,日期在 5 月到6月份之间的数据 如果转换为日期的时候,只有年月的时候会默认取1号 between and 会包含两端 包含两端–1 结论:对于日期类型 between and 包括 >= and <=select * from test_hsj where regdate between to_date('2015-05','yyyy-MM') and to_date('2015-06','yyyy-MM')–如果只有年月 则只会去 1号select to_date('2015-05','yyyy-MM') from dual–如果只有年,,那么回去当前月份 的1 号 select to_date('2014','yyyy') from dual–2 结论: 对于数值类型 between and 等效 >= and <=select * from test_hsj where id between 1 and 5;–3 结论: 对于字符类型 between and 等效 >= and <=select * from test_hsj where num between '1' and '5';–总结论: 对于orcle数据库 between and 等效 >= and <=

上一篇oracle insert into select模板



oracle between and 边界问题


