Rogue BoardManager 自动成成内外墙 和食物 敌人

Rogue BoardManager 自动成成内外墙 和食物 敌人

分类:unity2dC#unity3dC# 教程


using UnityEngine;using System;using System.Collections.Generic; //Allows us to use Lists.允许使用数组

using Random = UnityEngine.Random;//使用unity自己的随机引擎

namespace Completed{public class BoardManager : MonoBehaviour{

// Using Serializable allows us to embed a class with sub properties in the inspector.

//Serializable使得变量可以被Inspector界面显示 并可以展开或者收起 我实验关掉也没影响

[Serializable]public class Count{public int minimum; //Minimum value for our Count class.public int maximum; //Maximum value for our Count class.//Assignment constructor.public Count (int min, int max){minimum = min;maximum = max;}}public int columns = 8; //Number of columns in our game board.public int rows = 8;//Number of rows in our game board.public Count wallCount = new Count (5, 9);//Lower and upper limit for our random number of walls per level.public Count foodCount = new Count (1, 5);//Lower and upper limit for our random number of food items per level.public GameObject exit;//Prefab to spawn for exit.public GameObject[] floorTiles;//Array of floor prefabs.public GameObject[] wallTiles;//Array of wall prefabs.public GameObject[] foodTiles;//Array of food prefabs.public GameObject[] enemyTiles;//Array of enemy prefabs.public GameObject[] outerWallTiles;//Array of outer tile prefabs.private Transform boardHolder;//A variable to store a reference to the transform of our Board object.private List <Vector3> gridPositions = new List <Vector3> ();//A list of possible locations to place tiles.//Clears our list gridPositions and prepares it to generate a new board.void InitialiseList (){//Clear our list gridPositions.gridPositions.Clear ();//Loop through x axis (columns).for(int x = 1; x < columns-1; x++){//Within each column, loop through y axis (rows).for(int y = 1; y < rows-1; y++){//At each index add a new Vector3 to our list with the x and y coordinates of that position.gridPositions.Add (new Vector3(x, y, 0f));}}}//Sets up the outer walls and floor (background) of the game board外墙和地板.void BoardSetup (){//Instantiate Board and set boardHolder to its transform.boardHolder = new GameObject ("Board").transform;//Loop along x axis, starting from -1 (to fill corner) with floor or outerwall edge tiles.for(int x = -1; x < columns + 1; x++){//Loop along y axis, starting from -1 to place floor or outerwall tiles.for(int y = -1; y < rows + 1; y++){//Choose a random tile from our array of floor tile prefabs and prepare to instantiate it.GameObject toInstantiate = floorTiles[Random.Range (0,floorTiles.Length)];//Check if we current position is at board edge, if so choose a random outer wall prefab from our array of outer wall tiles.if(x == -1 || x == columns || y == -1 || y == rows)toInstantiate = outerWallTiles [Random.Range (0, outerWallTiles.Length)];//Instantiate the GameObject instance using the prefab chosen for toInstantiate at the Vector3 corresponding to current grid position in loop, cast it to GameObject.GameObject instance =Instantiate (toInstantiate, new Vector3 (x, y, 0f), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;//Set the parent of our newly instantiated object instance to boardHolder, this is just organizational to avoid cluttering hierarchy设置父类.

instance.transform.SetParent (boardHolder);

}}}//RandomPosition returns a random position from our list gridPositions.Vector3 RandomPosition (){//Declare an integer randomIndex, set it’s value to a random number between 0 and the count of items in our List randomIndex = Random.Range (0, gridPositions.Count);//Declare a variable of type Vector3 called randomPosition, set it’s value to the entry at randomIndex from our List gridPositions.Vector3 randomPosition = gridPositions[randomIndex];//Remove the entry at randomIndex from the list so that it can’t be re-used.gridPositions.RemoveAt (randomIndex);//Return the randomly selected Vector3 position.return randomPosition;}//LayoutObjectAtRandom accepts an array of game objects to choose from along with a minimum and maximum range for the number of objects to create.void LayoutObjectAtRandom (GameObject[] tileArray, int minimum, int maximum){//Choose a random number of objects to instantiate within the minimum and maximum limitsint objectCount = Random.Range (minimum, maximum+1);//Instantiate objects until the randomly chosen limit objectCount is reachedfor(int i = 0; i < objectCount; i++){//Choose a position for randomPosition by getting a random position from our list of available Vector3s stored in gridPositionVector3 randomPosition = RandomPosition();//Choose a random tile from tileArray and assign it to tileChoiceGameObject tileChoice = tileArray[Random.Range (0, tileArray.Length)];//Instantiate tileChoice at the position returned by RandomPosition with no change in rotationInstantiate(tileChoice, randomPosition, Quaternion.identity);}}//SetupScene initializes our level and calls the previous functions to lay out the game boardpublic void SetupScene (int level){//Creates the outer walls and floor.BoardSetup ();//Reset our list of gridpositions.InitialiseList ();//Instantiate a random number of wall tiles based on minimum and maximum, at randomized positions.LayoutObjectAtRandom (wallTiles, wallCount.minimum, wallCount.maximum);//Instantiate a random number of food tiles based on minimum and maximum, at randomized positions.LayoutObjectAtRandom (foodTiles, foodCount.minimum, foodCount.maximum);//Determine number of enemies based on current level number, based on a logarithmic progressionint enemyCount = (int)Mathf.Log(level, 2f);//Instantiate a random number of enemies based on minimum and maximum, at randomized positions.LayoutObjectAtRandom (enemyTiles, enemyCount, enemyCount);//Instantiate the exit tile in the upper right hand corner of our game boardInstantiate (exit, new Vector3 (columns – 1, rows – 1, 0f), Quaternion.identity);}}}


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Rogue BoardManager 自动成成内外墙 和食物 敌人


