LeetCode — Minimum Size Subarray Sum

题目描述:Given an array of n positive integers and a positive integer s, find the minimal length of a subarray of which the sum ≥ s. If there isn’t one, return 0 instead.For example, given the array [2,3,1,2,4,3] and s = 7,the subarray [4,3] has the minimal length under the problem constraint.对于数组A中的子数组a,找到满足Sum(a[0]+a[1]…a[n-1]) >= target时的最短长度的子数组。思路:本题属于移动窗口问题,最直接的办法就是分别以a[i]为起点,不断往后移动指针进行累加存到s,当s>=target时,更新最短长度min。时间复杂度为O(N^2)


public class Solution {public int MinSubArrayLen(int s, int[] nums){int? min = null;for(var i = 0;i < nums.Length; i++){var l = MinLen(nums, i, s);if(l.HasValue && l < min || min == null){min = l;}}return min.HasValue ? min.Value : 0;}private int? MinLen(int[] nums, int start, int target){var s = 0;var startFrom = start;while(start < nums.Length){s += nums[start];if(s >= target){return (start – startFrom + 1);}start ++;}return null;}}本题使用two pointer可以完成o(N)的实现。 比较推荐这种实现方式。1. 使用left和right两个指针分别从0作为起点2. 如果当前s小于target,right一直往后走,直到s大于或等于target3. 如果s大于等于target,left一直往后走,同时判断left与right的距离,更新最小窗口的大小。本实现方式参考了连接:实现代码:

public class Solution {public int MinSubArrayLen(int s, int[] nums){var len = nums.Length;var sum = 0;int? min = null;// use two pointersvar start = 0;var end = 0;while (end < len){// if current sum if smaller , keep moving right pointer forwardwhile (sum < s && end < len){sum += nums[end];end ++;}// if sum is more than target, keep moving left pointer forward to shrink the window sizewhile (sum >= s){// find a smaller window then update sizeif (!min.HasValue || end – start < min){min = end – start;}// unload left most value from sumsum -= nums[start];start ++;}// now sum less than target again// lets play again with the right pointer if not yet reach the end}return !min.HasValue ? 0 : min.Value;}}


LeetCode — Minimum Size Subarray Sum


