task spooler 0.7.0发布 Unix批处理系统

task spooler是一个Unix批处理系统,用于处理后台运行的任务。可以设定在任何时间运行一次任务。系统的每个用户都有自己的任务队列。运行的任务将根据shell/进程排列上下文,这使得它可以很容易地观看输出/结果。这是非常有用的功能,当你知道,你有大量的命令在内存中,大量的磁盘使用,给出大量的输出信息。它的接口让你可以很容易在脚本中使用。

task spooler 0.7.0该版本在一个完整的队列中,现在加入队列将不会阻止其他队列的操作。新的参数-b,允许TS失败之后加入队列,如果队列已满,也不会造成阻塞。



usage: ./ts [action] [-ngfmd] [-L <lab>] [cmd…]Env vars: TS_SOCKET the path to the unix socket used by the ts command. TS_MAILTO where to mail the result (on -m). Local user by default. TS_MAXFINISHED maximum finished jobs in the queue. TS_ONFINISH binary called on job end (passes jobid, error, outfile, command). TS_ENV command called on enqueue. Its output determines the job information. TS_SAVELIST filename which will store the list, if the server dies. TS_SLOTS amount of jobs which can run at once, read on server start.Actions: -K kill the task spooler server -C clear the list of finished jobs -l show the job list (default action) -S [num] set the number of max simultanious jobs of the server. -t [id] tail -f the output of the job. Last run if not specified. -c [id] cat the output of the job. Last run if not specified. -p [id] show the pid of the job. Last run if not specified. -o [id] show the output file. Of last job run, if not specified. -i [id] show job information. Of last job run, if not specified. -s [id] show the job state. Of the last added, if not specified. -r [id] remove a job. The last added, if not specified. -w [id] wait for a job. The last added, if not specified. -u [id] put that job first. The last added, if not specified. -U <id-id> swap two jobs in the queue. -h show this help -V show the program versionOptions adding jobs: -n don’t store the output of the command. -g gzip the stored output (if not -n). -f don’t fork into background. -m send the output by e-mail (uses sendmail). -d the job will be run only if the job before ends well -L <lab> name this task with a label, to be distinguished on listing.


task spooler 0.7.0发布 Unix批处理系统


