发行版Network Security Toolkit 2.11.0


Network Security Toolkit(NST)是一张可引导的自启动运行光盘,它基于Fedora Core。这份工具包被设计为能够方便地使用最好的开源网络安全应用软件,并应能在大多数x86平台上运行。开发该工具包的主要目的是向网络安全管理员提供一套较全面的开源网络安全工具。我们发现NST非常有吸引力,因为我们可以用这份自启动运行光盘将大多数x86系统(奔腾II或更高级的处理器)转换为一份特定设备,它可以执行网络流量分析,入侵监测,网络包注入,,无线网络监控,模拟系统服务,或是用作一台精密的网络/主机扫描器。

Paul Blankenbaker has announced the release of Network Security Toolkit (NST) 2.11.0, a Fedora-based live DVD providing easy access to best-of-breed open source network security applications: "We are pleased to announce the latest NST release- version 2.11.0. This release is based on Fedora 11 using Linux kernel The architecture for building an NST distribution has been completely redesigned and engineered. Starting with this release, all system, network and security applications are now included as RPM packages. This allowed us to take advantage of the Fedora live CD project for spinning off an ‘NST Live’ distribution. This project will also help make it easier to develop future releases of NST. Here are some of the highlights for this release: The entire NST distribution is RPM-based and an NST system can be maintained using redundant RPM repositories; NST is now extensible – add new applications with YUM…." Please visit the project’s home page to read the full release announcement. Download (MD5): nst-2.11.0.i586.iso (1,201MB, MD5).(责任编辑:A6)


发行版Network Security Toolkit 2.11.0


