Vyatta 5.0.2发布


Vyatta software是一份完整的、即刻可用的、基于Debian的发行,它被设计为能将一套标准的x86硬件转换为企业级的路由器/防火墙。Vyatta软件包括对常用网络接口、工业标准路由协议和管理协议的支持。与先前的开源软件路由项目不同,,所有的这些特性都可以通过单个的命令行接口(CLI)或是基于web的图形用户界面来配置。Vyatta软件可以以自由社区版本获得,它也以捆绑软件订购的形式提供,这包含了维护、升级和技术支持。

Dave Roberts has announced the release of Vyatta 5.0.2, a complete, ready-to-use, Debian-based distribution that is designed to transform standard x86 hardware into an enterprise-class router or firewall: "I’m pleased to announce that Vyatta Community 5 has officially been released." From the release notes: "New in this release: introduced the first phase of a redesigned web GUI interface for interacting with the Vyatta system. In this initial phase; added support for OpenVPN; implemented support for intrusion protection system (IPS) and traffic filtering based on inspection of traffic content; Vyatta can be now configured to act as a web proxy server for web caching and URL filtering; included support for DNS forwarding; introduced support for Dynamic DNS; included the open-vm-tools library to provide enhanced performance in VMware environments…." See the release announcement and release notes (in PDF format) for a detailed list of new features. Download (MD5): vyatta-livecd-vc5.0.2.iso (165MB, torrent).(责任编辑:A6)


Vyatta 5.0.2发布


