RedHat linux 9系统下构建小型入侵检测系统

  一、系统平台    Redhat9.0发行版, 安装gcc 及相关库文件,建议不要安装    Apache,PHP,MySQL,我们将用源码编译安装。基于安全方面的    考虑,可以设置一下iptables只允许SSH和WWW访问。    二、软件    MySQL4.0.12     Snort2.0.0     Apache2.0.45     PHP4.3.1     ADODBv3.30     Acid0.9.6b23     Zlib1.1.4     JPGraph1.11     LibPcap0.7.2     建议到这个站点下载    也可以到下载相关的xx.src.rpm编译安装。如若安装了rpm包,可以强行将其反安装    rpm -e -nodeps xx.xx    三、安装(建议将所有的包文件考到同一目录)    1.安装zlib1.1.4    tar -xzvf zlib-xx.tar.gz    cd zlib-xx    /configure;make test    make install    cd ..    2.安装LibPcap0.7.2    tar -xzvf libpcap.tar.gz    cd libpcap-xx    /configure    make    make install    cd ..    3.安装MySQL4.0.12    3.1创建mysql组和mysql用户    groupadd mysql    useradd -g mysql mysql    修改/root下的.bash_profile的这一行:    PATH=?$PATH:?$HOME/bin 为    PATH=?$PATH:?$HOME/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin    3.2安装mysql    tar -xzvf mysql-xx.tar.gz    cd mysql-xx    /configure –prefix=/usr/local/mysql    make    make install    cd scripts    /mysql_install_db    chown -R root /usr/local/mysql    chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/var    chgrp -R mysql /usr/local/mysql    cd ./support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf    向/etc/中加入两行:/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql    /usr/local/lib    载入库,执行    ldconfig -v    3.3测试mysql是否工作:    cd /usr/local/mysql/bin/    /mysqld_safe –user=mysql&    #ps -ef |grep mysql    看mysql_safe是否工作    3.4设置mysql为自启动:    将mysql安装目录下的support-files目录中的    mysql.server文件拷到/etc/init.d目录    cp mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysql    chmod 755 /etc/init.d/mysql    创建硬链接:    cd /etc/rc3.d(文本方式启动)    ln -s /etc/init.d/mysql S85mysql    ln -s /etc/init.d/mysql K85mysql    cd /etc/rc5.d (图形方式启动)    ln -s /etc/init.d/mysql S85mysql    ln -s /etc/init.d/mysql K85mysql    4.安装Apache2.0.45和PHP4.3.1    tar -zxvf httpd-2.0.xx.tar.gz    cd httpd_2.xx.xx    /configure –prefix=/www –enable-so    注:apache根目录为 /www    make    make install    cd ..    tar -zxvf php-4.3.x.tar.gz    cd php-4.3.x    /configure –prefix=/www/php –with-apxs2=/www/bin/apxs –with-config- filepath=/www/php –enable-sockets –with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql –with-zlibdir=/    usr/local –with- gd     注意:这些为一行,,中间不要有回车。    cp php.ini-dist /www/php/php.ini    编辑httpd.conf(/www/conf):    加入两行    LoadModule php4_module modules/    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php    httpd.conf中相关内容如下:    #    # LoadModule foo_module modules/    LoadModule php4_module modules/    # AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing it, or ?$    # make certain files to be certain types.    #    AddType application/x-tar .tgz    AddType image/x- icon .ico    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php    设置Apache为自启动:    cp /www/bin/apachectl /etc/init.d/httpd    cd /etc/rc3.d    ln -s /etc/init.d/httpd S85httpd    ln -s /etc/init.d/httpd K85httpd    cd /etc/rc5.d    ln -s /etc/init.d/httpd S85httpd    ln -s /etc/init.d/httpd K85httpd    测试一下 PHP:    cd /etc/init.d    /httpd start    在/www/htdocs下建立文件 test.php    cd /www/htdocs    vi test.php    加入    lt;?php    hpinfo();    ?>    用浏览器访问,成功的话,出现一些    系统,apache,php信息    5.安装 Snort2.0    5.1建立snort配置文件和日志目录    mkdir /etc/snort    mkdir /var/log/snort    tar -zxvf snort-2.x.x.tar.gz    cd snort-2.x.x    /configure –with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql    make    make install    5.2安装规则和配置文件    cd rules (在snort安装目录下)    cp * /etc/snort    cd ./etc    cp snort.conf /etc/snort    cp *.config /etc/snort    5.3修改snort.conf(/etc/snort/snort.conf)    var HOME_NET (修改为你的内部网网络地址,我的是    var RULE_PATH ./rules 修改为 var RULE_PATH /etc/snort/    改变记录日志数据库:    output database: log, mysql, user=root password=your_password    dbname=snort host=localhost    5.4设置snort为自启动:    在snort安装目录下    cd /contrib    cp S99snort /etc/init.d/snort    vi /etc/init.d/snort    修改snort如下:    CONFIG=/etc/snort/snort.conf    #SNORT_GID=nogroup (注释掉)    #8194;$SNORT_PATH/snort -c ?$CONFIG -i ?$IFACE ?$OPTIONS    (去掉原文件中的 -g ?$SNORT_GID )    chmod 755 /etc/init.d/snort    cd /etc/rc3.d    ln -s /etc/init.d/snort S99snort    ln -s /etc/init.d/snort K99snort    cd /etc/rc5.d    ln -s /etc/init.d/snort S99snort    ln -s /etc/init.d/snort K99snort    四.在mysql中建立数据库    /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql    mysql>SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD(‘your_password’);    mysql>create database snort;    mysql>grant INSERT,SELECT on root.* to snort@localhost;    mysql>quit;    进入snort安装目录:/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -p     gt;Enter password:    安装DB表:(在contrib目录)    zcat snortdb-extra.gz | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -p snort    进入mysql数据库,看看snort数据库中的表:    /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -p    gt;Enter password:    mysql>show databases;    +————+    | Database    +————+    | mysql    | snort    | test    +————+    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)    mysql>use snort;    mysql>show tables; 将会有这些:    +——————+    | Tables_in_snort |    +——————+    | data    | detail    | encoding    | event    | flags    | icmphdr    | iphdr    | opt    | protocols    | reference    | reference_system    | schema    | sensor    | services    | sig_class    | sig_reference    | signature    | tcphdr    | udphdr    +——————+    19 rows in set (0.00 sec)    mysql>exit    五.安装配置Web接口    安装JPGraph1.11    cp jpgraph-1.11.tar.gz /www/htdocs    cd /www/htdocs    tar -xzvf jpgraph-1.xx.tar.gz    rm -rf jpgrap-1.xx.tar.gz    cd jpgraph-1.11    rm -rf README    rm -rf QPL.txt    安装ADODB:    cp adodb330.tgz /www/htdocs/    cd /www/htdocs    tar -xzvf adodb330.tgz    rm -rf adodb330.tgz    安装配置Acid:    cp acid-0.0.6b23.tar.gz /www/htdocs    cd /www/htdocs    tar -xvzf acid-0.9.6b23.tar.gz    rm -rf acid-0.9.6b23.tar.gz    cd /www/htodcs/acid/    编辑acid_conf.php,修改相关配置如下:    #8194;$DBlib_path = "/www/htdocs/adodb";    /* The type of underlying alert database    *    * MySQL : "mysql"    * PostgresSQL : "postgres"    * MS SQL Server : "mssql"    */    #8194;$DBtype = "mysql";    /* Alert DB connection parameters    * – ?$alert_dbname : MySQL database name of Snort alert DB    * – ?$alert_host : host on which the DB is stored    * – ?$alert_port : port on which to access the DB    * – ?$alert_user : login to the database with this user    * – ?$alert_password : password of the DB user    *    * This information can be gleaned from the Snort database    * output plugin configuration.    */    #8194;$alert_dbname = "snort";    #8194;$alert_host = "localhost";    #8194;$alert_port = "";    #8194;$alert_user = "root";    #8194;$alert_password = "Your_Password";    /* Archive DB connection parameters */    #8194;$archive_dbname = "snort";    #8194;$archive_host = "localhost";    #8194;$archive_port = "";    #8194;$archive_user = "root";    #8194;$archive_password = "Your_Password ";    And a little further down    #8194;$ChartLib_path = "/www/htdocs/jpgraph-1.11/src";    /* File format of charts (‘png’, ‘jpeg’, ‘gif’) */    #8194;$chart_file_format = "png";    进入web界面:         点"Setup Page"链接 ->Create Acid AG    访问将会看到ACID界面。    六.测试系统    重启系统或者直接启动相关后台程序:    /etc/init.d/mysql restart    /etc/init.d/snort start    /etc/init.d/httpd start    利用nmap,nessus,CIS或者X-scan对系统进行扫描,    产生告警纪录。     察看纪录。    至此,一个功能强大的IDS配置完毕。各位可以利用web界面    远程登陆,监控主机所处局域网,同时安装phpMyAdmin对mysql    数据库进行操控。 那段雨骤风狂。人生之旅本就是风雨兼程,是要说曾经拥有,

RedHat linux 9系统下构建小型入侵检测系统


