《现代操作系统》精读与思考笔记 第一章 引论

  本系列博文是《现代操作系统(英文第三版)》(Modern Operating Systems,简称MOS)的阅读笔记,定位是正文精要部分的摘录和课后习题精解,因此不会事无巨细的全面摘抄,仅仅根据个人情况进行记录和推荐。由于是英文版,部分内容会使用英文原文。

  课后习题的选择标准:尽量避免单纯的概念考察(如:What is spooling?)或者简单的数值计算,而是能够引起思考加深理解的题目。为了保证解答的正确性,每道题都会附上作者的原文解答,而中文部分会适当加入自己的见解。原书答案下载地址:(需注册)

1.以count = read(fd,buffer,nbytes)为例,解析系统调用发生的过程




#define TRUE 1  type_prompt();                 read_command(command,parameters);              waitpid(-   } else {        execve(command,parameters,  }}



To see how link works, consider the situation of Fig. 1-21(a). Here are two users, ast and jim, each having his own directory with some files. If ast now executes a program containing the system call

link(“/usr/jim/memo”, “/usr/ast/note”);

the file memo in jinn’s directory is now entered into ast’s directory under the name note. Thereafter, /usr/jim/memo and /usr/ast/note refer to the same file. As an aside, whether user directories are kept in /usr, /user, /home, or somewhere else issimply a decision made by the local system administrator.

Understanding how link works will probably make it clearer what it does. Every file in UNIX has a unique number, its i-number, that identifies it. This i-number is an index into a table of i-nodes, one per file, telling who owns the file,where its disk blocks are, and so on. A directory is simply a file containing a set of (i-number, ASCII name) pairs. In the first versions of UNIX, each directory entry was 16 bytes-2 bytes for the i-number and 14 bytes for the name. Now a more complicated structure is needed to support long file names, but conceptuallya directory is still a set of (i-number, ASCII name) pairs. In Fig. 1-21, mail has i-number 16, and so on. What link does is simply create a new directory entry with a (possibly new) name, using the i-number of an existing file. In Fig. 1-21(b), twoentries have the same i-number (70) and thus refer to the same file. If either oneis later removed, using the unlink system call, the other one remains. If both areremoved, UNIX 00sees that no entries to the file exist (a field in the i-node keepstrack of the number of directory entries pointing to the file), so the file is removedfrom the disk.


  我在实践时发现rm和unlink对于link出的文件行为相同,查阅了下资料进行理解:linux shell中,unlink和rm命令有什么区别呢?

  另外上文提到的link,具体到Linux环境中,是硬链接。不过想起Linux一般用ln建立链接(默认为硬链接,带-s选项是软链接/符号链接),ln和link又有什么异同?根据终端中输入man link后的提示,输入info coreutils ‘link invocation’可见:

`link’ creates a single hard link at a time. It is a minimalistinterface to the system-provided `link’ function. *Note Hard Links:(libc)Hard Links. It avoids the bells and whistles of the morecommonly-used `ln’ command (*note ln invocation::).




课后习题选14.What is the key difference between a trap and an interrupt?



  A trap is caused by the program and is synchronous with it. If the program isrun again and again, the trap will always occur at exactly the same position inthe instruction stream. An interrupt is caused by an external event and itstiming is not reproducible.




《现代操作系统》精读与思考笔记 第一章 引论


